Glen M. Grigel
Musical Instrument Technician
Crane Music Center Instrument Shop B168
TEL: (315) 267-2467
FAX: (315) 267-2413
Glen Grigel (B.Mus. Ed. / Ithaca College, 1977) was the Instrument Technician at the Crane School from 1985 until his retirement in 2016. His responsibilities included maintenance of all school-owned Woodwind, Brass, Stringed, and Percussion instruments for methods classes and major ensemble use. Prior to his time at Crane he worked for Dikmar Music (Bowling Green, Ohio), Goetz Music (Tiffin, Ohio), and Central Music Supply (Rochester, NY) as a dealership Instrument Mechanic. He has serviced all major lines of instruments from Alexander Horns to Zildjian Cymbals.