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Max Grube

Internship Coordinator

Lougheed Learning Commons 107E
TEL: (315) 267-2037

Dr. Maxwell Grube is an active bassoonist in chamber recital and orchestral settings in New York State and Vermont. Max currently serves as Affiliate-Artist in Bassoon at the University of Vermont in Burlington, VT, as well as bassoon instructor for the Vermont Youth Orchestra Association's Lessons Program and Endangered Instruments Program. He maintains a private bassoon studio in the Burlington area and regularly leads chamber music coachings, bassoon masterclasses, and bassoon reed-making sessions for pre-college level students in association with the VYOA. Max performs as second bassoonist/guest principal with the Orchestra of Northern New York, and he enjoys performing as substitute second bassoonist with Symphoria in Syracuse, NY during their masterworks, pops, and casual concert series. Max also continues to teach online courses in music history and American popular music at the University of Bridgeport. He holds degrees from the Eastman School of Music (DMA, Performer's Certificate, Bassoon Performance), Arizona State University (MM, Bassoon Performance), and Mansfield University of Pennsylvania (BM, Music Education/Bassoon).