Julie Welsh Miller has been teaching piano at the university level for thirty years, and her former students teach at every level from elementary to university. One of her principal interests is collaborating with other musicians; she performs in 60-100 recitals yearly. She has developed an extensive repertoire playing for students, colleagues, and guest artists.
Miller's other principal interest is editing, publishing, and performing the music of Keith Gates (1948-2007). For more information and recordings, see keithgates.com.
Miller holds degrees in piano performance from the University of Oklahoma and the University of Illinois. She graduated from OU with highest honors, and was the Outstanding Senior in the College of Fine Arts. She has done post-graduate work at Michigan State University and the University of Southern California. She has taught at Henderson State University, Ouachita Baptist University, McNeese State University, and SUNY Potsdam.
Miller lives in Potsdam with her husband Lane, son Ben, and daughter Sarah.