Board Certified in Counseling Psychology, American Board of Professional Psychology #4485 (8/1994)
Registrant #44305, National Register of Health Service Psychologists (4/1997)
New York Psychologist License #023647-01
Pennsylvania Psychologist License #PS-005403-L
Clinical Training and Supervision, Psychology of Music
Ph. D., Counseling Psychology (11/1987) State University of New York at Buffalo
Training Certificate, Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic Institute (12/1997)
Doctoral Studies, Counseling (8/1983 - 8/1984) Purdue University
M. Ed., College Counseling/Student Personnel Administration (6/1980) University of Delaware
B.A., with Distinction in Psychology (6/1978) University of Delaware
M.S., Exercise Science (8/2003) Indiana University of Pennsylvania
B.A., Music (5/2020: Euphonium) Indiana University of Pennsylvania
M.A., Music Performance (5/2022: Euphonium/Tuba) Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Prior Appointments
Professor of Psychology, August, 2006 - June, 2022, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Independent Practice Psychologist, part-time, June, 1989 - June, 2022
Counseling Center Faculty Psychologist, August, 1987 - August, 2006, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Substance Abuse Therapeutics Supervisor, 1988 - 2001
Selected Professional works
Volk, K., Mehr, K., & Mills, J.A. (submitted for publication). Big Five Personality Traits and Fear of Compassion.
Mills, J. A. (2021, December). Ethical and Interpersonal dimensions unique to Clinical Supervision. Professional continuing education presentation for Hudson Valley Professional Development (3 hours).
Slattery, J.M. & Knauss, L. K., Gavazzi, J. (2021). Ethics in action: Another Perspective on a Client Selling His Medication. Pennsylvania Psychologist, in press. [referenced discussant]
Rajan, N., Broadnax, D. & Mills, J. A. (2021). Bigotry hurts, but it is not a distinct mental illness syndrome. Pennsylvania Psychologist, 81 (6), 11-12.
Meil, W. & Mills, J. A. (co-eds.) (2021). Addictions - Diagnosis and Treatment. IntechOpen. ISBN 978-1-83968-633-7
Mills, J.A. & Krizner, M. (2021). Supervision of Substance Abuse Therapeutics Emphasizing the Discrimination Model of Supervision and Motivational Interview Practices. In W. Meil and J. Mills (Eds.) Addictions - Diagnosis and Treatment. IntechOpen.
Comnick, I., Meil, W.M., Berman, M., Morgan, E., Frazier, R., Farrell, W., Mills, J. (2018). Impulsivity and self-perceived emotional feedback predict alcohol-related problems. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience 2018.
Meil, W.M, LaPorte, D.J., Mills, J.A., Sesti, A., Collins, S.M., Stiver, A.G. (2016). Sensation seeking and executive deficits in relation to alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use frequency among university students: Value of ecologically based measures. Addictive Behaviors, 62, 135-144. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.06.01 4
Mills, J.A. (2016, March). Reflections on the Hoffman Report. Pennsylvania Psychologist, 76 (3), 29-30.
Stiver, A.G., Meil, W.M., Sesti, A., Hammer, L.M., Mills, J.A., & LaPorte, D. J. (2015). Changes in executive function associated with tobacco cessation therapy. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of Neuroscience.
Knapp, S. & Mills, J. A. (June, 2015). Ethical issues in supervision. Three-hour workshop presented at the Pennsylvania Psychological Association Annual Convention. Harrisburg, PA (3 hours in the ethics continuing education category).
Meil, W.M, LaPorte, D.J., Mills, J.A., Sesti, A., Collins, S.M., Stiver, A.G. (May, 2015). Sensation seeking and executive deficits in relation to alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use frequency among university students: Value of ecologically based measures. Poster presented at the 2015 Convention of the Association for Psychological Science. New York.
Hauge, P., Longwill, D., Mills, J.A., & Robertson, D.U. (May, 2015). Music Students' Practice and Deliberate Practice Concepts. Poster presented at the 2015 Convention of the Association for Psychological Science. New York.
Mills, J. A. & Chasler, J. K. (2012). Establishing priorities in the supervision hour. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 6 (3), 160-166.