Anjali Misra, Professor of Special Education, joined the faculty in 1990 and was primarily responsible for the development of the Master in Special Education degree program that was approved in 1994. Dr. Misra taught students with disabilities for several years. She founded a small school for children with special needs in India. Her upbringing focused on a commitment to education and her interest in special education and quest for higher learning in the field brought her to the United States.
Dr. Misra teaches courses in Behavior management, Assessment, Teaching strategies, Introduction to special education, and has created partnerships with public schools where she supervises field experiences. She is committed to excellence and preparing teachers who will foster diversity and maximize the potential in all children using positive, supportive environments.
Dr. Misra has published chapters in six different books and articles in several journals including the Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, Exceptional Children, The Elementary School Journal, and Behavioral Disorders. Her current research interests focus on international special education, service delivery, and in the area of emotional and behavioral disorders. Dr. Misra has been the recipient of several awards in both India and the United States including the President's Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship at SUNY Potsdam.
BS and MS Child Development, Delhi University, India
MS and Ph.D. in Special Education, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA
Lessons from differences: The on- going search for social justice leadership in education (with Conrad, Conrad, & Pinard, 2012). In Defining Social Justice Leadership In A Global Context. (Eds). Aiken, J, A. & Gerstl-Pepin, C.
Special education in India (with Kalyanpur, 2011). In Mazurek, K. & Winzer, M. (Eds.). International practices in special education: Debates and challanges. Gallaudet University Press
Studying the I in our Teaching and Learning: Influences of identity on pedagogy for faculty of color at a rural university (with Conrad, Conrad, Pinard, & Youngblood, 2010). Studying Teacher Education,(6)2,143159.
Challenges of Adolescence (2007). In P.J. Schloss, M. A. Schloss, & C. N. Schloss (Eds.). Instructional methods for secondary students with learning and behavior problems. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Special Education in India: Current Status and Future Directions (2000), Journal of International Special Needs Education, 3, 6-12 and In C.R. Reynolds, & Fletcher-Janzen, E. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Special Education, New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.