Jonathan G Schaller
Assistant Professor: Music Education
Jonathan Schaller is assistant professor of music education at SUNY Potsdam. He teaches courses in instrumental (band) and general music teaching practices. He received his PhD in music education from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. While at Illinois, Jon was a teaching assistant for music education courses in technology, differentiation, adolescent music-making, and choral and instrumental teaching methods. He was also a student teaching supervisor. He was a music educator for eight years in the Marion Center Area School District in western Pennsylvania. While at Marion Center, Jon taught band and instrumental lessons to grades 7-12 as well as elementary instrumental lessons and chorus to students in grades 4-6. He holds a Master of Music in music education from Duquense University and a Bachelor of Science in music education and applied saxophone from Indiana Wesleyan University.
His research interests include place-based pedagogies, instrumental music education, popular/vernacular music, and LGBTQ issues in music education. Jon has published articles in the Music Educators Journal and the Journal of Popular Music Education and book chapters in the edited volume Music Education on the Verge: Stories of Pandemic Teaching and Transformative Change and the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Gender and Queer Studies in Music Education. He has presented at national and international conferences for the College Music Society, American Educational Research Association, the Society of Music Teacher Education, Society of Research in Music Education, as well as Desert Skies Symposium for Music Teaching and Learning, New Directions in Music Education, MayDay Group Colloquium, and QMUE: LGBTQ Studies and Music Education. He has also presented clinics and research at state music education conferences in Delaware, Illinois, New York, and Pennsylvania.