Liliana Trevizán, (PhD. University of Oregon) is a professor of Spanish Literature with expertise in Latin American Studies, Cultural Studies, and Women's and Gender Studies.
Dr. Trevizán is currently the Chair of A&S Curriculum Committee and she has been a founder member of the Women's and Gender Studies Program, and the Task Force on the Status of Women.
She has received the President's Award and a Faculty Research and Scholarship Award by the SUNY Chancellor; as well as a Faculty Senate Resolution. She is a member of Sigma Tau Delta, Omicron Delta Kappa, and other Honor Societies.
She advises the Spanish Club, and students have repeatedly named her Favorite Professor.
Her service to the College includes heading the Campus Academic Festival in 2007, and organizing numerous writers, artists, and guest speakers such as Winona LaDuke, Chandra Mohanty, Rodrigo Dorfman, Mary Louise Pratt, Jacqui Alexander, Diamela Eltit, Pia Barros, Debra Castillo, Vita Ayala and Melissa Castillo-Garsow.
She participated with Spanish majors in the Bridging Cultures Mural interdisciplinary project. Invited artist Francisco Letelier, who was in residence at SUNY Potsdam, led the creation of the mural.
An active member of the local community, Professor Trevizán is a member and past president of the St. Lawrence County American Association of University Women, AAUW.
She is a productive scholar who regularly presents at international and national conferences.
Her book Politica/Sexualidad: Nudo en la escritura de mujeres latinoamericanas (1998) is widely cited and recognized by feminist scholars in Latin America and the USA.
Courses taught at SUNY Potsdam
Upper division seminars: Memory and Human Rights Narratives in Latin America, Politics of Love in Literature, Latin American Women's Writing, Garcia Marquez, Rulfo, Cortazar, Allende, Indigenous Women's Narratives.
She also teaches the different levels of the language classes and contributes to the WGS curriculum.
For the new Potsdam Pathways Professor Trevizán designed Women of Color, a Ways 103 class, and Memory and Human Rights, a Ways 101 class.
Selected publications
• "A Museum and Democratic Performance in Chile" in Memory, Conflict and Reconciliation, edited by Martin Palous, Vaclav Havel Program for Human Right and Diplomacy. Forthcoming in Academia (chapter)
• "Performing Memory and Democracy in Chile." in Sites of Memory in Spain and Latin America: Trauma, Politics, and Resistance (2015): 21. (chapter)
• "Border Crossing in the North Country: An Academic Story," in Robert Badger, ed. Ideas that Work in College Teaching, Albany, NY, SUNY P, 2008:29-40 (chapter)
• "Retazos de mujeres en 'El tono menor del deseo,' de Pía Barros," in Verónica Cortínez ed., Albricia: la novela Chilena de fin de siglo, Verónica Cortínez ed. Editorial Cuarto Propio, 2000: 127-147 (chapter)
• "Pía Barros" in Patricia Rubio ed., Escritoras chilenas: Novela y Cuento, Santiago: Editorial Cuarto Propio, 1999: 579-594. (chapter)
• "Luisa Valenzuela: los riesgos de una versión plural y democrática," Fall 1996 Vol 12 Confluencia: 93-105.
• "Unraveling the Myth of Maternity in Gabriela Mistral' Journal of Hispanic Philology Vol 21 # 1-3 (1996): 177-94
• "Intersecciones: Postmodernismo/Feminismo/Latinoamérica." Revista Chilena de literatura # 42 (1993):127-137.
• "María Luisa Bombal y Carmen Martín Gaite: una misma estrategia subversiva," in Juana Arancibia ed., Mujer y Sociedad en América, VI Simposio Internacional Vol II, (1991): 93-99.