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Chapter IV: Compensation

  1. Salaries
    Salaries are not held to a rigid schedule but minimums and maximums are in effect for each rank. Professional service salary schedules with minimum and maximum for each academic and professional rank can be found online. These minimums are subject to change through negotiations with UUP and approval of the Director of the Budget.
  2. Pay Mode
    Professional staff are paid on a twelve-month (26 pay periods) basis.
  3. Pay Periods
    The College's pay periods start on Thursday and end two weeks later on Wednesday. Paychecks are distributed biweekly at the Physical Plant Service Center during regular office hours. An employee may, in writing, authorize another person to secure his/her paycheck or may make arrangements for direct deposit of his/her paycheck with participating banks. Details are available from the Human Resources Office.

    Employees should be aware that the State uses a two-week lag payroll system, i.e., the paycheck is produced after the time has been worked. Because of the lag payroll new employees may be subject to a four-week delay in receiving the first paycheck. Deadlines are established by the Human Resources Office to enable the payroll to be locally pre-audited, forwarded to Albany and audited by the Department of Audit and Control. Checks are prepared and sent from Albany to the local campus for distribution.
  4. Payroll Deductions
    Mandated deductions include federal and state withholding taxes, social security taxes, a retirement deduction (for employees hired on or after July 26, 1976) and dues or an agency shop fee (for employees under the Agreements). Optional deductions may include savings bonds, credit union, health, life, auto, and homeowner’s insurance programs, charitable contributions, tax sheltered annuity (TDA) and supplemental retirement annuity (SRA) programs, individual retirement accounts (IRA), and deferred compensation plans. Deductions for income tax are made in accordance with the employees withholding certificate (W-4) on file in the Human Resources Office. A new W-4 may be filed at any time.
  5. Salary Adjustment Dates
    The salary adjustment dates normally are April 1 for Managerial/Confidential employees, July 1 for Librarians and Professional Employees, and September 1 for Academic Employees.
  6. Salary Advances
    The College is authorized by the State to make salary advances to employees who fall into one of the following categories:
    1. Employees for whom the College has decided to have salary checks replaced by checks for lesser amounts because of the lack of leave credits.
    2. Employees who start work after the College's payroll has been submitted to the Office of the State Comptroller.
    3. Employees returning to work from a leave without pay or a leave at half pay, after the College's payroll has been submitted to the Office of the State Comptroller.

This procedure does not apply in the case of a termination, to exchange a check because of death, or for replacing a lost check, and may not be used for consultants, or temporary and seasonal employees.

All requests for a salary advance are to be directed to the Office of Human Resources.

  1. Enrollment & Caps
    1. Instructors receive full pay for a course when enrollment reaches 12 (undergraduate)and 8 (graduate).
    2. Enrollment caps will be set with the department chair and Dean of the appropriate school. Caps must be no less than 20 unless otherwise approved.
    3. When enrollment reaches the established cap, consultation with the Department Chair, the Dean of the School and the Director of Graduate & Continuing Education will determine if a new section will be created.
  2. Compensation & Course Guarantees

    1. Courses that are considered “full” will be compensated at $3,105 as the base pay for a 3 credit course (This follows the college policy of $1,035/credit hour for extra service pay.). Payment will be disbursed following the add/drop period for the course following the established deadlines for the session in which the course is offered.
    2. Enrollments above 12 and 8 will be compensated at $25 per student per credit hour ($75 per student for a 3 credit course). Payment for these enrollments will be disbursed after the withdraw deadline for the course following the established deadlines for the session in which the course is offered.
    3. Compensation below 12 undergraduates or 8 graduates will be prorated.These dollar amounts can be found in the established special sessions pay scale.
    4. Independent studies and thesis will be compensated according to the special sessions pay scale.
    5. Internship advisors will be compensated at $50 per credit per student.
    6. For the purposes of compensation calculation, graduate students in an undergraduate course are worth 1.5 undergraduate enrollments.Undergraduate students in a graduate course are worth .75 graduate students.

Course Guarantees

  1. Individual course guarantees are reevaluated bt the Director of Graduate & Continuing Education each year based on course enrollment history and programmatic needs in consultation with the appropriate Dean. This includes guarantees at both full, as well as partial, or prorated pay.
    1. The following will be included in the analysis for course guarantees:
      1. A minimum of three years (as available) enrollment history
      2. Schedule needs (e.g. general education and college requirement courses
      3. Course needs in cohort-based programs
      4. Other, as deemed appropriate by the Dean of the School and the Director of Graduate & Continuing Education

View Instructor Compensation Calculations (PDF)

"Full Guarantee" refers to a guarantee that the course will be paid a minimum of$3,105. Additional enrollments are compensated according to the special sessions compensation policy.

"Partial Guarantee" refers to a negotiated number below full. This will vary from 1 - 11 (undergraduate) and 1 - 7 (graduate). Compensation for these courses will follow the special sessions pay scale

  1. Method of Payment
    Summer session compensation is in addition to the salary earned for the academic year and is included in the normal biweekly paycheck and not issued as a separate check. Separate checks are issued only to employees paid on the 21 pay mode basis who are off the payroll during their summer session obligation.

The purpose of the Watertown Teaching Stipend is to provide remuneration for the delivery of coursework (for a SUNY Potsdam program) at the Extension Center (located on the SUNY Jefferson campus). Any person whose primary residence is 50 miles (or more) from the SUNY Jefferson campus will receive $50 per trip (round trip) to the extension center.


  1. Travel from home campus should utilize a campus fleet vehicle, or Enterprise.Only in special circumstances will mileage for personal vehicles be approved.These requests may be made in consultation with the Executive Director of Graduate & Continuing education.
  2. Should the delivery of a course fall on a weekend, reimbursement forlodging/meals will be provided ONLY if the appropriate college travel policies have been adhered to (Assistance with travel is available from Graduate &Continuing Education as necessary.).
  1. Extra Service Compensation
    Extra service for professional staff of State University of New York is defined in two ways:
    1. Work performed by academic, professional, and managerial/confidential employees in a payroll agency other than the payroll agency to which the employee is regularly assigned. (A campus is a payroll agency; an individual academic department is not.)
    2. Special assignments performed by academic, professional, and managerial/confidential employees at his/her home campus which are substantially different from or in addition to an individual's professional responsibilities.

      These special assignments may be performed on the home campus but must not interfere with the individual's regular professional responsibilities. Such assignments may include service by those holding positions of other than academic rank (i.e., administrators and other professionals) and outside of regularly assigned working hours. These assignments may involve but are not limited to teaching, research, and public service. It must be clearly demonstrated that such research or other service exceeds that which is normally performed under the regular obligation.

      Extra service should only be used for an employee when the work is 1) performed entirely outside of an employee’s normal work day/obligations, and 2) substantially is different from the individual’s professional work obligation as defined by the employee’s performance program, and 3) must not interfere with the employee’s regular responsibilities. Full time professional staff cannot perform extra service during the core office hours of the College, unless authorized by the President or vacation accruals are used.
  2. Approval
    Authority for approval of such service has been granted to the Chancellor by the Board of Trustees. Responsibility for action on individual requests for other than M/C employees has been delegated by the Chancellor to the Chief Administrative Officer of each campus. Extra service for M/C employees requires approval of the Chancellor (or designee).

    Written approval for extra service assignments must be obtained prior to the commencement of the service. Service performed in advance of such approval will not be compensated.

    No employee may engage in other employment which interferes with the performance of the employee's professional obligation. No full-time employee of the State University may assume another full-time position or obligation either within or without the University while receiving compensation from the University. Additionally, all extra service activities must conform to the ethical Standards mandated by Section 74 of the Public Officers' Law.
  3. Maximum State Rate
    Compensation for extra service may not exceed an amount equal to 20 percent of base annual salary in any academic or calendar year beginning July 1 or September 1, as appropriate. Thus, for example, a professional staff member earning a salary of $40,000 may not be paid more than $8,000 for extra service during the course of his or her annual professional obligation.

    Summer employment of persons having an academic year obligation does not constitute extra service.

    Extra service compensation is not to be used in lieu of overtime for a professional employee deemed eligible under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
  4. Potsdam Campus Rate
    Compensation for extra service is at the basic rate of $1,035 per credit hour.
  5. Method of Payment
    Extra service compensation for work performed for the home campus is not paid by a separate check but rather is included in the normal biweekly paycheck.
  1. Also receives is work that is in addition to, and substantially increases or expands the scope of the employee’s normal professional responsibilities, but may be completed during their regular professional obligation.  The assignment is usually limited in nature or may be aligned with a responsibility where the additional compensation will end when the assignment and/or funding ends.  Stipends are considered also receives compensation.
  2. The amount of ALR(s) that can be paid is a maximum of 20 percent of the employee’s total salary on an annual basis.  Please check with Human Resources to ensure the also receives does not exceed the 20 percent maximum.
  3. It should be noted that ALR is separate and distinct from the payment of Extra Service as the assignment for which ALR is compensated may be completed during the employee’s normal obligation. 
  4. Exceptions to the ALR amounts in excess of 20 percent of the employee’s total salary on an annual basis must be requested in writing to the Assistant Vice President for Administration & Human Resources and include the following information:
    • Outline of additional duties
    • Justification for additional duties
    • Expected duration (cannot be greater than 6 months.  If the appointment must exceed 6 months a new justification must be submitted)

If approved by the campus, the Assistant Vice President for Administration & Human Resources will submit the request to SUNY for final approval.  No work should be performed prior to the proper approvals.

  1. Approval Process
    • The employee’s supervisor should verify with Human Resources that the ALR does not exceed the 20 percent maximum.
    • The ALR approval process should begin with a review of the proposed assignment by the employee’s supervisor against the current performance program or established faculty workload to ensure the proposed assignment is not duplicative, is in addition to, and substantially increases or expands the scope of the employee’s normal professional responsibilities, and will not interfere with the employee’s current responsibilities.
    • Prior to the start of the assignment budget committee approval must be obtained along with a complete Employment Appointment Form (EAF).  Without these approvals and procedures complete any work performed in advance of such approvals will not be compensated. 
      • Exceptions will be reviewed by Human Resources and appropriate justification must be submitted.
    • When completing the Employment Appointment Form the supervisor must include the following information in the comments section:
      • Detailed explanation of the additional assignment
      • An explanation of how the assignment is in addition to their regular duties
      • An explanation of how the additional assignment substantially increases or expands the scope of duties
      • An explanation of how the duties will be completed during normal obligation
      • Detailed explanation for the compensation rate
  2. Ongoing Monitoring
    • Should an ALR need to continue past the established end date, you must follow the procedures in the approval process section of this policy.

In contrast to extra service, "dual employment" procedures are applicable when a State employee's combined employment (more than one appointment) with the State does not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of full-time. Under such circumstances, payment in the secondary agency, i.e., the agency where the employee is to be employed subsequent to employment in another agency, may only be affected after the employee has obtained dual employment authorization from the primary employing agency. This approval is obtained through the completion of a Dual Employment Form.

Chairs will be compensated for the additional responsibility of their role in the leadership and administration of the academic departments. These adjustments may be in the form of salary stipend, teaching load reduction, or other benefit mutually agreed upon by the chair, appropriate dean and vice president within the limitations of available resources. The President/Provost shall provide guidelines to assist in determination of appropriate compensation in accord with the Policies of the Board of Trustees of the State of New York and the provisions of the Agreement.

  1. Salary Stipend Guidelines
    1. Members of the academic staff designated as department chairpersons may be paid a stipend for duties and responsibilities of that function subject to the following limitations:
      1. The stipend may not exceed 10 percent of basic annual salary when paid for duties as department chair during the term of professional obligation. Payment of such stipend as well as any extra service earned during the same time period shall not exceed 20 percent of basic annual salary.
      2. A further stipend, not to exceed 10 percent of basic annual salary,may be paid to faculty having academic year professional obligations for duties as department chair which are performed solely during the summer after completion of the academic year professional obligation. Payment of such stipend shall be included in the earnings calculations under the summer employment policy.
      3. This stipend shall not be added to basic annual salary. The stipend shall be removed upon termination of the employee's designation as department chair, whose salary thereafter shall be at the rate due as a regular member of the academic staff.d.Members of the academic staff designated as department chairperson may perform extra service and may be employed during the summer under the usual rules and procedures applicable to such employment.
  2. Potsdam Campus Stipend
    Chairs receive salary stipend as part or all of their compensation for the duties of the chairpersonship. The range of available stipend is established by the Provost within the limitations of available resources. The present stipend is based upon number of faculty, number of majors, number of programs and credit hours generated.

    Arts and Sciences
    Each chair receives a stipend of $3100 for the academic year of obligation.

    Education and Professional Studies
    The Chairs receive a stipend of $3100 for the academic year of obligation.

    Each chair receives a stipend of $3100 for the academic year of obligation.
  3. Teaching Load Reduction
    Chairs may receive a reduction in teaching load as part or all of their compensation for the duties of the chairpersonship.
  4. Relinquishment
    When a chair relinquishes the chairpersonship, he or she relinquishes as well any claim to compensation which is connected with the position. If a chair is on sabbatical leave or other non-medical leave, no compensation connected with the chairpersonship will be provided for the period of leave.
  5. Method of Payment
    The chair stipend is not paid by a separate check but rather is included in the normal biweekly paycheck in equal installments over the 26 pay basis.
  6. Other
    Chairs may request forms of compensation other than salary stipend and/or teaching load reduction for the duties of the chairpersonship.
  1. Faculty Compensation associated with a promotion is made in accordance with the following schedule and is added to the basic annual salary:
From: To: Dollar Value:
Instructor Assistant Professor $1500
Assistant Librarian Sr. Assistant Librarian $1500
Assistant Professor Associate Professor $2000
Sr. Assistant Librarian Associate Librarian $2000
Associate Professor Professor $3000
Associate Librarian Librarian $3000

An academic employee who is appointed with the expectation that he/she will have completed all requirements for the terminal degree appropriate to the discipline but who, at the start of employment has not completed all requirements, shall normally receive a salary $1500 less and appointment at the Instructor level. An academic employee who is appointed without expectation of degree completion will normally be appointed at the rank of Instructor and receive a promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor upon receipt of verification of the completion of the terminal degree to the Office of Human Resources. The promotion and the salary increase of $1500 added to the base salary shall be effective the first day of the semester immediately following the verification of the completion of the degree.

  1. Professional Compensation
    Compensation associated with a promotion is made in accordance with the following schedule and is added to the base annual salary.
From: To: Dollar Value:
SL-1 or SL-2 SL-2 or SL-3 $1500
SL-3 or SL-4 SL-4 or SL-5 $2000
SL-5 SL-6 $3000

The rate of compensation for faculty who serve as internship sponsors will be $50.00 per credit hour during the summer only.

The NYS Deferred Compensation Plan is a voluntary retirement savings plan available to employees of NYS that has the following features:

  • Contributions are made automatically through payroll deductions.
  • Federal or NYS income tax is paid until you receive the money.
  • There are 26 different investments.
  • An annual fee of $14.00 (assessed semi-annually) will be charged to each NYS DeferredCompensation Plan participant regardless of the investment fund(s) selected.
  • A variable asset-based fee that is assessed quarterly against investment returns is alsocharged.

Additional information may be obtained from the Office of Human Resources, or by calling 1-800-422-8463.

Academic and Professional Employees (UUP)
An individual retirement account plan may be provided, through United University Professions, by a “financial organization” (as defined in State Finance Law, Section 201.6) pursuant to the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (P.L. 97-34) in which employees may participate by voluntary payroll deductions.

  1. Academic and Professional Employees (UUP)
    A 403-b tax deferred annuity program permits an employee to divert a portion of his/her salary, before Federal and State Taxes, to purchase, via payroll deduction, retirement annuity benefits. The diverted salary and associated earnings will be taxed only when received as benefits in the form of annuity income at the time of retirement or at age 59 1/2. Any money withdrawn prior to retirement or age 59 1/2 is subject to a 10% penalty. The annual maximum amount that may be set aside:
    1. Less than age 50 and have less than 15 years of service: 2012 ($17,000)
    2. Over age 50 and have less than 15 years of service: 2012 ($22,500)

No contributions are made by SUNY to this program. Programs are available through the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of American--College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-CREF) or through the ING, VALIC, MetLife, or Fidelity Investments.

  1. Managerial/Confidential Employees (M/C)
    Conditions of the investment are the same as noted above for UUP representedemployees, except that TIAA/CREF or Fidelity investment plan are available.

The Supplemental Retirement Annuity Program (SRA) is another 403-b tax deferred program available to Managerial/Confidential (M/C) employees and employees represented by UUP. Only TIAA/CREF issues contracts under this program. Conditions of investment are the same as those defined in the Tax Deferred Annuity Program information.

An employee enrolled in an SRA program through TIAA/CREF may, without penalty, roll over SRA accumulations to other recognized investment programs and receive the same tax deferred status of dollars rolled over. Employees interested in the "roll over" provision should contact the various program representatives.

Any member of the professional staff may elect to join the U.S. Savings Bond program by signing a bond authorization card which may be obtained from the Office of Human Resources. Deductions are taken from the paycheck for the purchase of the savings bonds.

Membership in the Adirondack Regional Federal Credit Union, located at 166 Market Street, is available to faculty and staff at the College. The Credit Union offers share savings accounts, share draft accounts, loans (personal, home improvement, automobile), life insurance, travelers’ checks, money market certificates, and a Christmas Club program. Visit their website or reach them at their email address. Seacomm Federal Credit Union is also available to faculty and staff of the colleges. The website is

Tuition Free, Tuition Reimbursement & Tuition Waiver Programs

  1. UUP Represented Employees
    The State University Board of Trustees has established a policy of tuition assistance for eligible employees of the State University. This policy provides that up to 100 percent of the cost of tuition and certain fees charged for eligible courses of instruction may be WAIVED for the employee by State-operated campuses of the State University.
    1. Tuition Waiver
      Tuition waiver is an official forgiveness of part or all of the tuition at a State-operated campus. The percentage of the waiver is determined on the basis of the individual program as well as by the funds available. Full and part-time faculty are eligible for waivers. Each campus is allocated a dollar limit for waivers to be granted employees during each fiscal year.
      1.  Eligible Employee
        All full and part-time faculty holding, or on leave of absence from an appointment to a position which is paid on a State University payroll, are eligible as defined above for the waiver. Since all aspects of the program presume a benefit to the University through an improved level of education, there must be a reasonable expectation that University service will be continued beyond the period of the instruction.
      2. Levels of Support
        The basic levels of support and the costs which may be waived are as follows:
        1. Under the tuition waiver program 100% of the tuition and the laboratory or instructional fee may be waived. Such waiver is authorized only when the course is part of a training program for improved performance in the employee's current position i.e., job required.
        2. Under the tuition waiver program 50% of the tuition only may be waived. Such waiver is authorized when the course is not part of a training program but is related to the employee's current position i.e., job related.
        3. The support percentages detailed above may be scaled down if necessary in order to meet campus budgetary constraints.
        4. Depending on funding, at least 50% of tuition will be waived.
    2. Tuition Free Programs
      The Associated Colleges program permits eligible full-time employees to take up to 2 courses per year at member institutions on a space available basis.
    3. Retraining, Research, and Study Leaves
      Retraining fellowship Programs and Individual Professional Development awards are available for eligible employees. Details are available from the Office of Human Resources or the UUP office. Information specific to the UUP negotiated educational benefits may also be obtained from the UUP Chapter Office on campus.
    4. UUP Space Available Courses
      UUP permits employees to take one course per semester at any SUNY campus on a space available basis.
  2. Managerial/Confidential (M/C) Employees
    1. Tuition Free Programs
      The Associated Colleges program permits eligible employees to take up to two courses per year at member institutions. The program is open to all full-time employees.

      An executive development program - Managing NYS is available as follows:
      1. Level I - a two-week residential seminar covering areas of leadership skills, NYS government, structure and management controls. Includes a productivity project to be completed at the workplace and a follow up conference. Held semi-annually in January and June.
      2. Level II - provides short term (3-5 days) residential modules focusing on a variety of management concerns with restricted enrollment.
    2. Tuition Reimbursement Program
      M/C Tuition Reimbursement Guidelines --Additional information concerning the tuition waiver, reimbursement and free programs outlined above may be obtained from the Office of Human Resources.

Social Security may provide income when family earnings are reduced or cease upon retirement, disability, or death. Social Security retirement benefits are based on your salary history up to the maximum Social Security taxable wage base. The 2021 Social Security Tax will be calculated at 6.2% on the first $142,800 of wages resulting in a maximum Social Security Deduction of $8853.60. The 1.45% Medicare tax will apply to all wages as there is no wage cap.

Full-retirement age has been 65 for many years. However, beginning with people born in 1938 or later, that age will gradually increase until it reaches 67 for people born after 1959. More information is available on the above website.


Revision History

  • July 1, 2021 - New Policy (E. Also Receives (ALR) Compensation) Added

Additional Information

For more information, please contact the Melissa Proulx, Vice President for Administration and Human Resources.