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The most important concern in any threat to campus property or people is to maintain order and provide communication, quick and orderly safety to the college community. Secondary but also important is the clarity with which campus functions will proceed while under the emergency procedures. Guidelines for bomb threats are as follows.

  1. The Chief of University Police will determine the need for closing one or more buildings or events.
  2. At the point a building is closed or event is terminated an attempt will be made to suggest the duration, i.e. "closed for the day," or "postponed until ________."
  3. The Chief of University Police will, in conjunction with the Assistant Vice President for Facilities, post notices on the building and, if appropriate, identify where continued information and services can be forwarded. "Class information will be available in the Barrington Union" or "________ services will be provided in ________ ."
  4. The Chief of University Police will notify the Provost, Dean of Students, the Office of Human Resources, and the Director of Public Affairs who will in turn notify appropriate services and teaching units.
  5. All personnel not instructed by the above will report to the Office of Human Resources.
  6. If, In the event Van Housen Extentsion and main switchboard cannot be the communication center, emergency phones will be established in Barrington Student Union.
  7. Director of Public Relations will serve as primary media contact.

*** Any employee receiving a threatening call should immediately call University Police at x2222. Please pay attention to the following details: Sex of caller, background noise, type of "bomb", any location specifics, and when the bomb is to go off.