Field Tech Trainee
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
"Being in the archeology field school was a good learning experience as I was able to learn and be hands on with something that I have always had an interest in. Over the course of my internship, I was able to notice the similarities between archeology and environmental work and how they integrate with one another. Having prior knowledge of the environment helped me ease into archeology as I already had practice with geology and identifying plants and trees in the field. Working with other people also made it a more enjoyable experience as the mood was always laid back which made work fly right by. Fridays were the best days as we were able to take a break from digging and spent the days going on field trips. One of the trips was to an old Native American village in Quebec that was discovered not that long ago.At the end of the internship, all the participants received level 1 training certificates and this will be beneficial for when I add it to my resume."
Organization: Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (M.C.A.) - The elected system of government for the Akwesasne Territory which stretches across two provinces (Ontario & Quebec), while also having the international border running through the territory.
Contact: Francis Scardera, Archeology Field School
About the Internship:
The work performed in the field consisted of subsurface testing through methods of shovel test pits (STP) and 1m x 1m test units, sample collection, screening, artifact recovery, completing site paperwork, note taking, drawing maps and other field related activities. Environmental monitoring was also important as we were respectful and avoided trees, plants and animal habitats if they were located in our work area. We would work rain or shine and if it started to thunder or lightning outside, we went to the lab to clean artifacts so a day was never wasted.