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STEM is Technology

STEM fields are at the forefront of developing new technologies, deploying those technologies and finding the resources needed to build those technologies. Positions in the technology sector span a wide range from the burgeoning field of Nanoscience to traditional computer science and programing. STEM programs at SUNY Potsdam reflect this broad spectrum and prepare students for any technology career they choose to pursue. Some of these programs include:

  • Computer Science: New technology development in Computer Science moves rapidly. Recent areas of fast development include artificial intelligence, automation, robotics, and space exploration, to name only a few. Computer Science is also the heart of Information Technology (IT), encompassing a broad range of areas such as maintenance of computer systems, software development, cybersecurity, data analytics, and artificial intelligence, in business, education, government, and research.
  • Mathematics: Mathematical simulation and design is a key tool in the development of new technology. A computer-based simulation allows inventors to vary designs and parameters to investigate the utility of their inventions without the expense of a prototype.  
  • Physics: Physics offers fundamental principles and concepts to develop new technologies and solve important engineering problems. Physics is also at the forefront of Nanotechnology because it is used to explain everything that goes on at the nanometer scale.
  • Chemistry: Chemists are involved in developing and designing the materials for many areas of technology, such as microchips, specialty plastics and optical fibers.
  • Anthropology: Answers to our world’s environmental problems don’t necessarily lie in high-tech solutions - rather, they are often the cause of them. Archaeologists work to illuminate the role of low-tech in crafting sustainable ecologies and economies.  
  • Engineering Double Degree with Clarkson University (3+2): The 3‐2 program combines three years of study in the arts and sciences at SUNY Potsdam with two years of study in engineering at Clarkson University. The five‐year program leads to the award of two degrees simultaneously, a Bachelor of Arts degree from SUNY Potsdam and a Bachelor of Science degree from Clarkson University, in the engineering field chosen by the student.
Breaking the Mold

In a world with rising education costs, Dr. Michael Rygel and Dr. Page Quinton are at the forefront of reducing financial burdens, while also elevating the academic experience for their students. They recently completed an OER textbook on sedimentary geology, full of photos and illustrations from their own research with SUNY Potsdam students and alumni, which is now part of the curriculum in Rygel’s 300-level course.

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It’s hard to imagine a student doing more with their time at SUNY Potsdam than alumna Laura Wessing ’15. In four years, she graduated summa cum laude with a double major in computer science and mathematics, as well as getting a master’s degree in math through the BA / MA program. She now leads the quantum algorithms team at the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory in Rome, N.Y.—overseeing complex research on quantum bits.

Alumni Spotlight

Alumnus Daniel Krysak puts his SUNY Potsdam STEM degree to use as an operations specialist at Malin Space Science Systems in San Diego. Daniel uses technology to take and store photos for NASA missions. Learn More