Location Abroad: Jamaica Field Service Abroad - various locations in Jamaica
Program Title: Jamaica Field Service Abroad - Service Learning Experience
Program Description: The Jamaica Field Service Project is a service learning course on the diverse people, society, culture, and musics of the Caribbean and West Indies. The course begins with a detailed introduction into the elements of Jamaican society. Instructional materials will be presented before and during travel - in text, web-based, and on-site setting. Coursework continues in Jamaica, where students participate in daily training sessions and service work at the local schools and care-centers. Students take part in supervised tutoring, music education, healthcare, sound-recording, and music-therapy program in their area of specialization. This is a ten-day, short-term service-learning experience open to SUNY students.
Fields of Study: Music, Community Health, Social Sciences, Business, etc.
Dates: There are currently four short-term sessions to choose from: January, March, May & June. Trip length is approximately 10 days.
Admission Criteria: SUNY students must have completed at least one semester of college-level study and have a minimum 2.75 GPA to apply for this program.
Application Materials (PDF)
Costs: Costs vary depending on experience time-frame. Please contact the International Education & Programs Office at SUNY Potsdam for specific costs breakdown.
Application Deadline: Oct 15 (January trip), Dec 15 (March trip), Mar 15 (May & June trips)
Completed applications materials should be sent to:
International Education & Programs
Lougheed Learning Commons
Lougheed Center for Applied Learning Suite 107, SUNY Potsdam
Potsdam, NY 13676-2294
Telephone: (315) 267-2507
Email: international@potsdam.edu
Passports: Students are responsible for obtaining their own passports. Since passports take some time to receive, you should begin this process early. If you have any questions about this program or for more information, please contact the respective International Education Office.