B.A. in English
The B.A. in English Major is the perfect fit for students seeking a secondary education certification (in conjunction with a teacher certification program in the School of Education and Professional Studies). There are three tracks available:
- Applied Writing
- Literary Studies
- English Generalist
Courses focus on literature, rhetoric, creativity and professional practice while introducing students to common forms in a variety of contexts.
Students will be able to:
- demonstrate competence to write and/or speak clearly in a variety of frameworks and genres.
- demonstrate the ability to think critically, creatively, and/or construct coherent arguments using claims and reasons supported by credible sources.
- demonstrate comprehension of literary theories, how to apply those theories to different genres and mediums, and how those theories express diverse cultural experiences, awareness, and ideas.
- demonstrate an understanding of periodic, national, formal, and/or cultural historical traditions.
Career Outlook

“The literature writing major is required for all students planning to teach secondary English in New York State. The major works together with the education program to prepare students to become effective, knowledgeable, and inspiring teachers of English. Students who graduate with Literature/Writing degrees have a deep appreciation for how language and communication shape individuals in their communities."
Professor in the Department of English