M.A. in Mathematics
The Master of Arts program in Mathematics is designed to develop the student’s ability to work independently and to obtain basic knowledge in algebra, real and complex variables, and topology so that mathematics literature can be read with understanding and enjoyment. The successful completion of this program should prepare a student to enter a second-year doctoral program in mathematics, to begin a career as an industrial mathematician or as a faculty member at a junior or community college. For educators with initial certification in mathematics, this degree will also satisfy the requirements for professional certification in New York State. Program start dates: Fall or Spring (in certain cases).
B.A./M.A. in Mathematics
Note: Students who have been highly successful in Set Theory and Logic, and Linear Algebra during the Fall semester of their Sophomore year are also considered promising candidates for the B.A./M.A. program. The mathematics faculty will recommend these promising candidates to the chair of the Mathematics Department. Interested candidates should consult with the Department of Mathematics faculty on the details of the program. It is possible in four years (without overloads) to complete the combined Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts program in mathematics.
M.A. students will be able to:
- use the language of graduate mathematics effectively in written communication.
- use the language of graduate mathematics effectively in oral communication.
- develop a specialized knowledge of mathematics consistent with the core graduate-level courses.
- establish a solid foundation in an advanced area of graduate mathematics.
B.A./M.A. students will be able to:
- construct sound proofs and use the language of graduate mathematics effectively in written communication.
- use the language of graduate mathematics effectively in oral communication.
- have a strong fundamental knowledge of graduate algebra, analysis and topology.
- establish a solid foundation in an advanced area of graduate mathematics.
Career Outlook

"All the professors in the mathematics department really are out of this world! They’re all understanding, especially with the BA / MA students who are really pushing themselves.”