B.A. in Mathematics
The Mathematics major at SUNY Potsdam blends well with engineering, economics, physics, chemistry, computer science, music, and many other disciplines. The Mathematics program is based on the belief that students can succeed if they are provided with a supportive environment. The department faculty offer students continual encouragement, provide careful and considerate teaching methods, and sufficient time to develop intellectually. This approach fosters the type of thinking skills, attitude, and discipline that has enabled students to pursue rewarding careers such as banking, insurance, and research and all levels of teaching.
B.A./M.A. in Mathematics
Students who have been highly successful in Set Theory and Logic, and Linear Algebra during the Fall semester of their Sophomore year are also considered promising candidates for the B.A./M.A. program. The mathematics faculty will recommend these promising candidates to the chair of the Mathematics Department. Interested candidates should consult with the Department of Mathematics faculty on the details of the program. It is possible in four years (without overloads) to complete the combined Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts program in mathematics.
B.A. students will be able to:
- write proofs and provide counterexamples (to disprove statements) where appropriate.
- present mathematics correctly.
- have a fundamental knowledge of algebra and analysis.
- portray a positive attitude towards mathematics and approach challenging problems with enthusiasm.
B.A./M.A. students will be able to:
- construct sound proofs and use the language of graduate mathematics effectively in written communication.
- use the language of graduate mathematics effectively in oral communication.
- have a strong fundamental knowledge of graduate algebra, analysis and topology.
- establish a solid foundation in an advanced area of graduate mathematics.
Career Outlook

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"All the professors in the mathematics department really are out of this world! They’re all understanding, especially with the BA / MA students who are really pushing themselves.”