Minor in Museum Studies

The Museum Studies Minor consists of a specific sequence of courses that introduces students to the complex world of museums while qualifying them for work in a rapidly growing profession. The program examines the museum--broadly defined to include art, anthropological and history museums, among others--as a specific cultural institution subject to analysis and critique.
As a forum for the collection, preservation and display of material culture, these institutions will be examined in historical and cross-cultural perspectives. The explorations of museums will consider such issues as politics, public memory, authenticity, conservation, and national/cultural identity; as well as the broad functions and methods of museums through research projects, preparation of exhibitions and visits to regional museums.
The Charles T. Weaver Museum of Anthropology (130 A MacVicar Hall) and the Roland Gibson Art Gallery (103 Brainerd Hall) will provide opportunities to observe and participate in the various functions of the museum. A series of more advanced classes are offered for practical experiences in the museum profession, culminating with a professional internship.