M.S.Ed. in Special Education
The M.S.Ed. in Special Education provides a deep understanding of learning disabilities and differences, as well as the methods and strategies to empower student success. Students will develop the skills to assess and diagnose students with mild to moderate disabilities, and design interventions and curriculum to meet their needs.
Students will learn the importance of creating an inclusive classroom environment while implementing differentiated instruction to help students with special learning needs. As part of the M.S.Ed. in Special Education, the program also satisfies professional certification requirements in New York State.
Students will be able to:
- administer a variety of educational assessment tools in inclusive and self-contained classrooms, demonstrating competencies in collecting and analyzing data to effectively support the academic, behavioral, social, and emotional development for students with special needs.
- demonstrate a solid knowledge base of the subjects they will teach.
- evaluate the impact of cultural and social contexts on students’ behaviors to develop a responsive intervention plan.
- collaborate in team meetings to provide a culturally responsive manner with families, school professionals, and communities to provide supporting programs and services.
Career Outlook

“When I think about this field, I think about the passion. I think about caring and supporting and improving the life quality and civic engagement for individuals with special needs. That’s the first thing I think about.”
Assistant Professor, Inclusive and Special Education