Phil Shatraw '79
Major: Psychology
Role: Alumni Board Trustee
Why do you give back to SUNY Potsdam financially and as a volunteer?
As a lifelong resident of the North Country, I never realized the important role that SUNY Potsdam played in the community. It wasn't until I started college at Potsdam that I quickly developed such an appreciation of the College's role in providing me an excellent education as well as the life outside the classroom.
My experiences at Potsdam, without question, have made me who I am today both professionally and personally. For that reason, I am extremely grateful to the College. I figure the best way to “repay” Potsdam for this is through donations and volunteering my time.
What are you passionate about at Potsdam and what areas do you support?
As a member of the Order of Prometheus, my main giving focus has been the food pantry, which our fraternity is hoping to name. I contribute both food and money to the food pantry on a fairly regular basis. Hearing stories of students having to make a choice to pay their college bill versus having food on the table was highly disturbing. That convinced me that giving to the Food Pantry is the way to go.
Other areas I support are in the area of scholarships. As the cost of education in general has been going up, student aid has pretty much stayed the same, so the need for students to come up with the additional monies to pay their college bill has never been greater.
What are some of your favorite ways to volunteer at your alma mater?
The Admissions panel that is held virtually where we speak with prospective students is something that I enjoy doing. Letting potential students know that Potsdam is a special place does not take much effort. Working at the student COVID test centers is also a great way to interact with present students on campus.
Ron Fishbeck ’80
Major: Computer Science
Role: Foundation Board Trustee
Why do you give to SUNY Potsdam?
My wife, Teresa Fishbeck (Hon. ’19), and I give to Potsdam because we feel that, since our education played a major part in our success, giving back to the institution that prepared us for life to give other would-be students a chance was where we wanted to put our philanthropy.
What are you passionate about at Potsdam and what areas do you support?
We are passionate about all things Potsdam, but particularly we support the arts and sciences. Our feeling is that education is a powerful tool and as many young adults as possible should have a chance at a quality education.
Is there a significant connection between your student experiences and your giving?
Yes, the thread that connects all of us through the “Potsdam Experience.”
Bob Wagner ’75
Major: Chemistry Major
Role: Foundation Board Trustee
Why do you give to SUNY Potsdam?
Potsdam was one of the greatest times of my life. I had wonderful professors and met people who became great friends. I owe most of my success to my Potsdam education and will never forget how it shaped the rest of my life and career.
What are you passionate about at Potsdam and what areas do you support?
I love my alma mater and am very proud that I attended Potsdam. I became reunited with the College several years ago, and my wife and I donated funds to build the WISER greenhouse. I am involved in the biology department through the Bob Cerwonka Memorial Scholarship, which we established to support a biology major student with an interest in the environment and nature. I joined the Potsdam College Foundation Board in 2016. I became the chairperson of the Art Collections Committee and have great interest in the Foundation’s Permanent Art Collection and support building a new Art Museum on campus to showcase the incredible Art Collection owned by the Potsdam College Foundation.
What inspires you to give?
Everybody can give to a cause that they believe in. It does not have to be a large sum, just an amount within your means to promote a cause that you have a personal attachment with and want to support financially. I believe it is important to give back. Education is such an important part of growing up and an area I feel needs my support. My wife and I are very giving, generous people. I feel that we have the opportunity to, in our own small way, support students and the pursuit of their dreams.
Learn more about how you can support The Art Museum at SUNY Potsdam.
Sally Farrell Partner ’78

Majors: Politics and Secondary Education
Role: Alumni Board President-Elect
Why do you give to SUNY Potsdam?
My Potsdam experience has made a tremendous difference in my life. I would not be the person I am today without my time in Potsdam and the friendships (many of which I still have) and experiences I had there. Giving to the College is a way of giving back, and, most importantly, a chance to help others to experience this very special school.
What are you passionate about at Potsdam and what areas do you support?
As a Trustee, I have been able to learn firsthand about changes in the student population and the high level of need that so many of our current students have. They need help in different ways than I and many of my classmates did. For example, in addition to tuition and living expenses, they may lack the money needed to take a bus home, or purchase a warm coat, or the technological supplies needed. It is heartbreaking to hear of students who leave school due to the lack of a relatively small amount of money. This is why I give to the Pay It Forward Scholarship Program, which provides financial assistance to students who have high financial need but cannot receive traditional aid due to extenuating circumstances.
Is there a significant connection between your student experiences and your giving?
Absolutely. I struggled financially in school, and the Financial Aid staff at the time went out of their way to help me find and apply for sources of support. It is even harder to find them today, and if I can help with that through Pay It Forward and other opportunities, I very much want to do so. Potsdam is a very special place, and I want as many students as possible to experience it.
*The Fund for Scholarships is one of the College’s current giving priorities amidst the COVID-19 crisis. For more information about how you can support our students, visit
Kadiatou Balde '19 and Christine Haile '74
On a blustery winter day in New York City, two successful women (Christine Haile ’74 and Kadiatou Balde '19) pose for a photo in front of the Hudson River. On the surface, they may not seem to have much in common. One is a retired Chief Information Officer with over 38 years of experience in higher education. The other is a young scholar and entrepreneur who graduated from college less than a year ago. The pair’s connection stems from SUNY Potsdam, their shared alma mater. Read More

Henrique Schembry '12
Major: Chemistry
Minor: Arabic Studies
Role: Foundation Board Trustee, President’s Club Chair
Why do you give to SUNY Potsdam?
Giving is my way of "paying it forward" – “it" being the financial support I received from faculty and friends when I found myself in hardship. Today's job market overwhelmingly requires university-level degrees from the workforce, but the majority of "tomorrow's" workforce doesn't come from backgrounds that can afford today's educational costs. I consider myself lucky to be able to help, in some fashion, ease the financial burden today's students face.
What are you passionate about at Potsdam and what areas do you support?
The majority of my gifts are directed to the Chemistry and Modern Languages Departments, as I graduated with my BS in Chemistry and Minor in Arabic Studies. My hope is that, in the face of budget restraints, they'll be able to use these additional funds to keep their extracurricular projects (independent research, study abroad, etc.) going. I also contribute to the general Fund for Scholarships*, as well as other organizations on campus as the situation arises.
Is there a significant connection between your student experiences and your giving?
Yes. I gear the majority of my giving directly to the programs I benefited from so that current/future students can experience what I did. Now, I am in a position where I can give back and help ensure those opportunities are available for future students.
Amy Kellogg ’99
Majors: Economics and Politics
Role: Foundation Board Vice President
What inspires you to give to SUNY Potsdam?
I give because I wouldn't be where I am today had I not received the support I did while a student at Potsdam. I am inspired by the people who mentored me when I was a student and the students I meet each time I'm back at Potsdam.
Is there a significant connection between your student experiences and your giving?
Yes. My student experience and the people I met while at Potsdam are the reason I give. My Potsdam experience shaped my entire life, and I'm beyond grateful for that experience. If I can help give another person the chance to have a similar experience, I will.
What are you passionate about at Potsdam and what areas do you support?
I'm passionate about SUNY Potsdam because I know the power that a Potsdam education and experience can have on a student’s life. I support any area where there is need.
Amy specifically recognizes the need for scholarship support on campus. She has established two scholarships at SUNY Potsdam, the Kellogg Family Scholarship and the Chip Morris Student Leader Recognition Award.
In 2016, Amy partnered with three fellow Foundation Board trustees to endow the Pay It Forward Scholarship Program, which provides financial assistance to students who have high financial need but have exhausted or do not qualify for traditional financial aid due to extenuating circumstances.
SUNY Potsdam has designated the Pay It Forward Scholarship Program as one of its giving priorities during COVID-19, as it provides the College with flexibility to help our students when need arises. Please consider joining Amy by “paying it forward” with your gift today.
Pete Galloway '83
Major: Economics
Role: Alumni Board Secretary
What inspires you to give to SUNY Potsdam?
I give out of gratitude for all of the opportunities I have been afforded in life, many of which are connected to my time at SUNY Potsdam – the close friendships I developed that continue to this day, the time spent in my fraternity, Prometheus, and the wonderful musical experiences I took part in through The Crane School of Music.
What are you passionate about at SUNY Potsdam and what areas do you support?
The experiences I had as a member of Prometheus formed who I am today and had a large impact on the career I have been in for the past 35 years. I give to the Greek Alumni Endowment because providing opportunities for students in fraternities and sororities to get leadership training is critical to the future of the Greek community. Also, the needs of those students who have food insecurity is a concern of mine, so I make regular donations to the Food Pantry.
Is there a significant connection between your student experiences and your giving?
Absolutely. My time as a student at Potsdam was life-changing, so the donations I have been able to give up to now, and will continue to give in the future, support these same type of opportunities for current students.
Cheryl Evans '83
Majors: History and Elementary Education
Role: Alumni Board Trustee
Why do you give to SUNY Potsdam?
I give because Potsdam gave so much to me! SUNY Potsdam became my second home –a place where I grew in so many ways. I met people here who would become lifelong friends. Whenever I return, I feel a sense of joy.
What are you passionate about at Potsdam and what areas do you support?
I feel strongly that students need scholarships to help them through their academic journey. While I was fortunate enough to have parents that could help me financially, not all students have that blessing. My husband, Lance Evans ’83, and I established the Evans-Cummings '83 Scholarship to support undergraduate and graduate students studying education at SUNY Potsdam. I was an education student and a teacher for 36 years. My career brought me much happiness and fulfillment, and that is something I wish for others.
What inspires you to give?
I love to meet the students and hear their stories. I like to think that, in a small way, I can help them achieve their dreams. I always come away from these encounters with a smile on my face and a good feeling in my heart.