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Requests for Tabling and Display

September 26, 2019

The lobby of the Lougheed Learning Commons is hosting many on-campus events as well as displaying student and faculty projects, and providing tabling space for various groups and organizations affiliated with the campus. Due to the ongoing renovation of the Barrington Student Union, the Learning Commons will also be hosting on-campus events which might otherwise be held in the Union lobby.

*If you are planning an event, want to display a class project, or table for a campus group/organization and would like to request the use of space in the lobby of the Lougheed Learning Commons please contact: James Hubbard, Associate Director of the Lougheed Learning Commons, at

Your request should include:

  • A description of the event/project/tabling purpose
  • Dates and times
  • How many tables and chairs you may need, if any. 

*Limited tabling is also available in Merritt and Kellas Halls and can be reserved online through EMS using this link: . If you have any questions about tabling in Merritt or Kellas, please contact Casey Nelson at x4809.

For Media Inquiries

Alexandra Jacobs Wilke 315-267-2918

Campus Announcements