Please be advised when you are looking up per diems for hotel and meals, the website has changed.
When you click on the State you are traveling to on the United States map or type in the zip code you are going to be lodging in, the GSA site lists the hotel per diem and then if you scroll down it will tell you the meal per diem. Do not use their meal breakdown, as these are federal rates.
Find your meal per diem by looking under the M&IE column of the location you will be lodging. Your meal per diem will be one of the below amounts, please use this breakdown. Per the OSC travel manual lunch is not an allowable reimbursement.
M&IE |
Breakfast |
Dinner |
$74 |
$15 |
$59 |
$69 |
$14 |
$55 |
$64 |
$13 |
$51 |
$59 |
$12 |
$47 |
$54 |
$11 |
$43 |
$51 |
$10 |
$41 |
For further travel rules and information, please visit the OSC travel manual or contact Natalie Gravlin in the Purchasing and Payables office at x2143.
Campus Announcements