Contacts Phone Numbers
Receiving Office: x2600
After Hours Emergencies: Dannie Wilson, x2936
- Personal packages are not allowed. Have personal packages shipped to your home address. They can be returned to sender if they are received on-campus.
- The Receiving Office closes at 3 p.m. to make deliveries. Contact them earlier in the day if you have questions or need to notify them that an overnight delivery is coming in.
- If you are expecting an overnight package that you need as soon as it arrives, contact the Receiving Office to let them know you are expecting it.
- After 3:30 p.m. you can call Dannie in Central Printing if you need a package that was delivered that day, but the best option would be to call Receiving in the morning.
- Incoming packages need to have either a PO Number or a campus credit card number on them.
- Package with PO#: Receiving will look it up to see who requested the package. The package will be opened, and the contests will be checked. The package will then be delivered to the requester
- Package with Credit Card #: The vendor needs to have included full contact information for the receiver on the package. Credit card packages are not opened, and the receiver needs to verify that the contents are correct.
- UPS arrives before noon, and it will be delivered to the receiver.
- FedEx can arrive until 5 p.m. If it arrives after the Receiving office has closed, you will not be able to receive it until the next day.
Overnight Envelopes
- Envelopes sent overnight are not put in inter-campus mail. They are checked-in at Receiving and then delivered to the addressee. They might not be delivered immediately. If you are expecting an overnight envelope that you need immediately, contact the Receiving office at x2600 to let them know.