Dr. Peter S. Brouwer is currently Professor of Secondary Mathematics Education and Chair of the Department of Secondary Education at SUNY Potsdam, where he has worked since 1980. He has also served the college in a variety of other administrative positions (including Provost, Associate Provost, Dean, and Associate Dean) and as a faculty member in Computer Science. He has been recognized with awards for excellence in teaching at both the college and SUNY System levels and excellence in college service. His current scholarship relates to the role of technology in mathematical problem solving. He is also a nationally trained facilitator for the Center for Courage and Renewal in Seattle, Washington and an Associate Integral Coach through Integral Coaching Canada in Ottawa, Ontario.
He lives in Parishville, NY with his two dogs and cat and enjoys hiking, biking and paddling. He has three grown sons who are scattered around the country.
PH.D., University at Buffalo, Mathematics Education
MA, SUNY Potsdam, Mathematics
BA, SUNY Potsdam, Mathematics and Computer Science
Publications: Abramovich, S. and Brouwer, P. (2011), Where is the Mistake? The Matchstick Problem Revisited. PRIMUS, 21(1), 14-25.
Abramovich, S. and Brouwer, P. (2010), Constructing Mathematical Understanding Using the Geometer's Sketchpad, New York State Math Teachers Journal, 60 (1), 24-28.
Posner, Prudence and Peter S. Brouwer (2009). Number Line Blues: What Seventh-Grade Students Understand about Decimal Fractions and the Number Line. New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal, 59 (3), 109-118.
Abramovich, S. and Brouwer, P. (2009), Evolving Polygons and Spreadsheets: Connecting Mathematics Across Grade Levels in Teacher Education, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 28(3), 209-220
Abramovich, S. and Brouwer, P. (2009), Evolving Polygons Revisited: Inequalities and computer graphing, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 28(4), 345-358.
Abramovich, S. and Brouwer, P. (2008), Task Stream as a Web 2.0 Technology for Interactive Communication in Teacher Education, International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning.
Brouwer, Peter, S. (2008) Group Projects in Computer Science, in R. Badger (ed.), Ideas That Work in College Teaching, Albany: State University of New York Press.
Abramovich, S. and Brouwer, P. (2008). Exploring Topics within the Mathematics Teacher Education Curriculum through the Use of Technology. In J. Foster (Ed.), Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (pp. 6-10). Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN: 0-321-55846-4.
Available at: http://archives.math.utk.edu/ICTCM/v19.html
Abramovich, Sergei and Peter S. Brouwer (2007). How to Show One-fourth? Uncovering hidden context through reciprocal learning, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 38(6), 779-795.
Posner, Prudence and Peter S. Brouwer (2007). What Grade 7 Students Dont Know about Mathematics Can Hurt Them: Implications for school structuring and professional development. New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal, 57 (1), 13-18.
Abramovich, Sergei and Peter S. Brouwer (2006). Hidden Mathematics Curriculum: A positive learning framework, For the Learning of Mathematics, 26(1), 12-16, 25.
Brouwer, Peter S. (1996-7). Hold on a Minute Here: What Happened to Critical Thinking in the Information Age? Journal of Educational Technology Systems, Vol. 25 (2), 189-197.