Teacher Education
Head: Laura A. Brown
Administrative Assistant: Alicia M Fefee
TEL: (315) 267-2535 FAX: (315) 267-2145
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Sergei AbramovichProfessor Teacher Education![]() Sergei AbramovichProfessorSatterlee Hall 210
Since coming to Potsdam in 1998, Sergei Abramovich has been an instructor to more than 3,000 K-12 teachers of mathematics. In 2003, he was a recipient of the SUNY Potsdam Presidents Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Endeavors. In 2008 he became a recipient of the SUNY Chancellors Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities. Throughout his career, he has authored/co-authored more than 240 publications, including eleven books and numerous articles on the use of technology in the teaching of mathematics. He is Editor-in-Chief of two professional journals: Open Mathematical Education Notes (published by International Mathematical Virtual Institute (Bosnia & Herzegovina, http://www.imvibl.org/) jointly with the SUNY Potsdam School of Education, https://www.potsdam.edu/academics/SOEPS/resources-faculty/open-mathematical-education-notes) and Advances in Educational Research and Evaluation (SyncSci Publishing, Singapore, https://www.syncsci.com/journal/index.php/AERE), as well as Associate Editor - Mathematics of Computers in the Schools (Taylor & Francis, United States, https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/wcis20). More Info |
Kristen BetrusAdjunct Instructor Teacher Education |
Jeffrey J BetzAdjunct Instructor Teacher Education |
Peter S. BrouwerProfessor Teacher Education, Faculty Emeriti![]() Peter S. BrouwerProfessorSatterlee Hall 107
Dr. Peter S. Brouwer is currently Professor of Secondary Mathematics Education and Chair of the Department of Secondary Education at SUNY Potsdam, where he has worked since 1980. He has also served the college in a variety of other administrative positions (including Provost, Associate Provost, Dean, and Associate Dean) and as a faculty member in Computer Science. He has been recognized with awards for excellence in teaching at both the college and SUNY System levels and excellence in college service. His current scholarship relates to the role of technology in mathematical problem solving. He is also a nationally trained facilitator for the Center for Courage and Renewal in Seattle, Washington and an Associate Integral Coach through Integral Coaching Canada in Ottawa, Ontario. He lives in Parishville, NY with his two dogs and cat and enjoys hiking, biking and paddling. He has three grown sons who are scattered around the country. Degree: Publications: Abramovich, S. and Brouwer, P. (2011), Where is the Mistake? The Matchstick Problem Revisited. PRIMUS, 21(1), 14-25. Abramovich, S. and Brouwer, P. (2010), Constructing Mathematical Understanding Using the Geometer's Sketchpad, New York State Math Teachers Journal, 60 (1), 24-28. Posner, Prudence and Peter S. Brouwer (2009). Number Line Blues: What Seventh-Grade Students Understand about Decimal Fractions and the Number Line. New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal, 59 (3), 109-118. Abramovich, S. and Brouwer, P. (2009), Evolving Polygons and Spreadsheets: Connecting Mathematics Across Grade Levels in Teacher Education, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 28(3), 209-220 Abramovich, S. and Brouwer, P. (2009), Evolving Polygons Revisited: Inequalities and computer graphing, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 28(4), 345-358. Abramovich, S. and Brouwer, P. (2008), Task Stream as a Web 2.0 Technology for Interactive Communication in Teacher Education, International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning. Brouwer, Peter, S. (2008) Group Projects in Computer Science, in R. Badger (ed.), Ideas That Work in College Teaching, Albany: State University of New York Press. Abramovich, S. and Brouwer, P. (2008). Exploring Topics within the Mathematics Teacher Education Curriculum through the Use of Technology. In J. Foster (Ed.), Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (pp. 6-10). Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN: 0-321-55846-4.
Available at: http://archives.math.utk.edu/ICTCM/v19.html Abramovich, Sergei and Peter S. Brouwer (2007). How to Show One-fourth? Uncovering hidden context through reciprocal learning, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 38(6), 779-795. Posner, Prudence and Peter S. Brouwer (2007). What Grade 7 Students Dont Know about Mathematics Can Hurt Them: Implications for school structuring and professional development. New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal, 57 (1), 13-18. Abramovich, Sergei and Peter S. Brouwer (2006). Hidden Mathematics Curriculum: A positive learning framework, For the Learning of Mathematics, 26(1), 12-16, 25. Brouwer, Peter S. (1996-7). Hold on a Minute Here: What Happened to Critical Thinking in the Information Age? Journal of Educational Technology Systems, Vol. 25 (2), 189-197. More Info |
Laura A. BrownProfessor, Adolescence English Education and Teacher Education Department Chair Teacher Education![]() Laura A. BrownProfessor, Adolescence English Education and Teacher Education Department ChairSatterlee Hall 202F
As Program Coordinator for the Adolescence English Education Program, I am fortunate to be able to teach a number of different courses. I regularly teach the MST and undergraduate methods courses, as well as the Intro to Education course and Young Adult Literature. I love teaching - it is a true passion - and to be able to help others learn how to teach gives me such joy and satisfaction. Plus, I love reading and developing new pieces of writing to share. I also care greatly about my community and try to get involved in even the smallest ways. I believe kindness, inclusion, and positivity matter - we need to take care of ourselves and others because we're all in this together. Degree: Publications: Book Chapters: Conrad, D., & Brown, L., et al. (2016). Calypso Pedagogy as an Agent of Educational
Transformation. S. Blackman & B. Ogunkola (Eds.) Transforming Learning:
International Perspectives. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Blasingame, J., Deakin, K., & Brown, L.A. (2015). John Green: Teen Whisperer.
Lanham: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Blasingame, J., Deakin, K., & Walsh, L.A. (2012). Stephenie Meyer: In the Twilight.
Lanham: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Brown, L.A. (April, 2019). Dont Shoot! Perspectives on School Gun Violence through Young Adult (YA)
Literature. Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association. Talk presented at PCA/ACA National
Conference, Washington, DC. Brown, L.A., & Scales, S. (November 2018). Poetic Defiance, Photography, and Portraiture: Artful Analysis, Advocacy, and Action (combined panel session). National Council Teachers of English (NCTE). Talk presented at the NCTE Conference, Houston, TX. Brown, L. (October, 2018). You Are What You Read: Using YA Literature to Empower Diverse Teen Voices.
Midwest Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference. Talk presented at the
MWPCA/ACA Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Brown, L. (October, 2016). Turning a Small Town into a World of Wonder: Magical Thinking in Ray Bradburys
Dandelion Wine. Midwest Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association. Talk presented at the
MWPCA/ACA Conference, Chicago, IL. Brown, L. (March 2016). Whats the Use?: Mans Search for Purpose in Bradburys Short Stories. Popular
Culture/American Culture Association. Talk presented at PCA/ACA National Conference, Seattle, WA. More Info |
Patricia E BruningAdjunct Instructor Teacher Education |
Deborah J. ConradSenior Assistant Dean for Assessment and Accreditation Teacher Education, School of Educ. & Professional Studies![]() Deborah J. ConradSenior Assistant Dean for Assessment and AccreditationSatterlee Hall 208
Satterlee Hall 114 Ph.D. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Curriculum & Instruction More Info |
Melissa A CummingsInstructor, Program Coordinator, Adolescence Science Education Teacher EducationMelissa A CummingsInstructor, Program Coordinator, Adolescence Science EducationSatterlee Hall 215C
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Elaine DunhamAdjunct Instructor Teacher Education![]() |
John-Paul M ElliottAdjunct Instructor Teacher Education |
Sean P EllisonAdjunct Instructor Teacher Education |
Patricia L FarmerAdjunct Instructor Teacher Education![]() Patricia L FarmerAdjunct InstructorSatterlee Hall 201D
Satterlee Hall More Info |
Alicia M FefeeProgram Aide Teacher Education, School of Educ. & Professional Studies![]() |
Laura FinneganAdjunct Instructor Teacher Education |
K. Chad GrahamClinical Faculty, Program Coordinator, Childhood MST Teacher EducationK. Chad GrahamClinical Faculty, Program Coordinator, Childhood MSTSatterlee Hall 201D
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Danielle R GrantAdjunct Instructor Teacher Education |
Laura L GriffinClinical Faculty/Instructor Teacher Education![]() |
Victoria O HayesClinical Faculty Teacher Education![]() |
Kevin K KendallAdjunct Instructor Teacher Education |
Donna M KoekkoekAdjunct Instructor Teacher Education |
Jennifer L MerrimanInstructor, Secondary Social Studies, Program Coordinator, Adolescence Social Studies Education Teacher Education![]() Jennifer L MerrimanInstructor, Secondary Social Studies, Program Coordinator, Adolescence Social Studies EducationSatterlee Hall 100B
As an educator who has taught in a secondary education setting for the past 16 years, I bring a creative and practical approach to the classroom. My social studies methods and computer applications courses provide students with relevant, hands-on lessons to prepare them for their classroom experiences. As a supervisor to Practicum students and student teachers, I model an effective, inquiry-based approach to teaching and use a wide variety of instructional techniques that allow students to be successful out in the field. Degree:
Publication: Living History-implementing a hands-on approach to teaching social studies. More Info |
Gabriela MocanuAssistant Professor Teacher Education |
Pooja SaxenaAssistant Professor Teacher Education![]() |
Sarah A SolleyAssistant Professor and Program Coordinator, Childhood/Early Childhood Program Teacher Education![]() Sarah A SolleyAssistant Professor and Program Coordinator, Childhood/Early Childhood ProgramSatterlee Hall 214
I grew up in an extremely small town outside of Buffalo, NY and always knew that I wanted to teach. After obtaining my certifications, I taught special education in NYS for 10 years in both inclusion and consultant teaching settings. After a move to Beaumont, TX, I taught Kindergarten for a year before starting a family. We now have one spunky girl and one active boy who are often on campus visiting. Prior to coming to Potsdam, I taught as an Adjunct Professor onsite and online at the University of Buffalo while I was working on my Doctorate degree. Degrees:
Solley, S.A. (2019). How expeditionary learning educations curriculum formed its square peg into the round hole of the conservative modernization alliance: Historical analysis of a 100-year journey. (Dissertation, University at Buffalo). Professional Presentation: Refereed Solley, S. (2015, March). E.D. Hirsch and a review of the core knowledge sequence: How has
cultural literacy changed in 25 years? Paper presented for Equity and Social Justice
(ESJ), Buffalo State University, SUNY. Solley, S. (2013, December). The Introduction of the apple iPad: How the implementation of different technologies influenced teacher design of an extended day program. Roundtable presented at the Literacy Research Association, Dallas TX. More Info |
Joanne M StilesAssistant Professor, Secondary English, Add Program Coordinator, Adolescence English Education Teacher Education![]() Joanne M StilesAssistant Professor, Secondary English, Add Program Coordinator, Adolescence English EducationSatterlee Hall 212
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Deanne M StrongAdjunct Instructor Teacher Education |
Janine M SullivanAdjunct Instructor Teacher Education |
Erica A WeemsAdjunct Instructor Teacher Education |