Sarah A Solley
Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator, Childhood/Early Childhood Program
I grew up in an extremely small town outside of Buffalo, NY and always knew that I wanted to teach. After obtaining my certifications, I taught special education in NYS for 10 years in both inclusion and consultant teaching settings. After a move to Beaumont, TX, I taught Kindergarten for a year before starting a family. We now have one spunky girl and one active boy who are often on campus visiting. Prior to coming to Potsdam, I taught as an Adjunct Professor onsite and online at the University of Buffalo while I was working on my Doctorate degree.
AS, Monroe Community College
BEd, Buffalo State College (Elementary and Exceptional Education; B-6)
MEd, Buffalo State College (Literacy Specialist B-12)
Ph.D., University at Buffalo (Curriculum, Instruction, and Science of Learning with a concentration in Literacy Education)
Solley, S.A. (2019). How expeditionary learning educations curriculum formed its square peg into the round hole of the conservative modernization alliance: Historical analysis of a 100-year journey. (Dissertation, University at Buffalo).
Professional Presentation: Refereed
Solley, S. (2015, March). E.D. Hirsch and a review of the core knowledge sequence: How has
cultural literacy changed in 25 years? Paper presented for Equity and Social Justice
(ESJ), Buffalo State University, SUNY.
National Presentation: Refereed
Solley, S. (2013, December). The Introduction of the apple iPad: How the implementation of different technologies influenced teacher design of an extended day program. Roundtable presented at the Literacy Research Association, Dallas TX.