Advanced Studies in Education
Head: Lynn A. Hall
Administrative Assistant: Alicia M Fefee
TEL: (315) 267-2535 FAX: (315) 267-2145
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Marta K. AlbertAssociate Professor Advanced Studies in Education![]() Marta K. AlbertAssociate ProfessorSatterlee Hall 206
I have been a member of the Literacy Program faculty since 2007, and have an academic background in literacy education, English, and women's studies. My work with B-12 students ranges from teaching and reading support roles in pre-school and 1st grade, to teaching, advocacy, and leadership in school support/dropout-prevention programs serving 7th-12th graders. I've developed curriculum and led programs for young rural women exploring trades and STEM career paths, as well as support networks for under-represented college students in engineering and trades studies. Helping to build strong learning communities and literacy opportunities for youth who pursue career and technical studies is my passion as an educator. I am eager to work with youth who thrive when learning experiences are project-based, offer authentic connections to their communities and interests, and engage thinking and action that is multi-dimensional and critical. While schools represent one site of youth development, I am also interested in the worksites, hobbies, recreation, arts, and community resources that contribute to youth identities and learning. A particularly joyful part of my teaching involves collaborative work with teachers in school and community settings. Some examples of this work include reading and writing exchanges that link college students with younger learners, digital storytelling projects, and studies of food systems/food cultures. Degrees Selected Publications Albert, M. (2012). New learning, new youth? Policy, literacy, and the subjects of reform in risk society. In S. Bialostok, W. Bradley, & R. Whitman. Education and the risk society: Theories, discourse, and risk identities in education contexts (249-264). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Raider-Roth, M., Albert, M., Bircann-Barkey, I., Gidseg, E., & Murray, T. (2012). Resisting boys, resisting teachers. Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies, 6(1+2), 34-54. Selected Presentations Stone, C. & Albert, M. "How do they do it?" Lessons from an education travel course in Finland and Sweden. SUNY Potsdam Disciplined Inquiry in Education Speaker Series, March 9, 2019 Albert, M. Literacy mentors and Career-Technical Education students: Collaborating to share knowledge, build relationships, and develop curriculum. Paper Presentation. Association for Literacy Educators and Researchers 62nd Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, November 8-11, 2018. Albert, M. Project-based learning, literacy, and pre-service secondary education: Farming in Satterlee Hall. Professional Development workshop for teachers attending the Cornell Cooperative Extension/WISER Center training on K-12 Tower Garden Curriculum Integration. August 22, 2018. Albert, M. Using a multigenre approach to support critical, interdisciplinary thinking and writing. Professional Development workshop for teachers attending the Sheard Literacy Center / Community Performance Series 'Page to Stage' daylong workshop related to staging of The Great Gatsby. February 12, 2018. Albert, M. "It all meshes here": Literacy and civic development through Career and Technical Education. Paper presentation. SUNY Potsdam Disciplined Inquiry in Education Speaker Series, February 24, 2016. Albert, M. Critical literacy, class awareness, and ordinary teaching in work-oriented contexts: Cases of rural youth development. Paper presentation. "Contemporary Youth, Contemporary Risks," Journal of Youth Studies Conference, March 30-April 1, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark. Hutchins, J. & Albert, M. The use of multi-genre writing to enhance module content. Session presentation. "Literacy within the Disciplines: Seamless Integration of Literacy & Content," the 2014 Conference of the New York State Reading Association, November 9-11, 2014, Liverpool, NY. Albert, M., Pinard, M., & Scales, S. Poets, painters, and other possibilities: Unbinding teachers' professional identities. Paper presentation. "The Social Construction of Boundaries: Creating, Maintaining, Transcending, and Reconstituting Boundaries," the 31st Annual Qualitative Analysis Conference, June 25-27, 2014, London, Ontario, Canada. Albert, M. & Leger, M. Authentic digital citizenship: Creating student leaders through literacy and technology. Roundtable presentation. "Reading: The Teachable Moment," the 59th Annual Meeting of the International Reading Association, May 10-12, 2014, New Orleans, LA. More Info |
Tony K BetrusProfessor and Assistant Chair, Business Administration Business Administration, Advanced Studies in Education![]() Tony K BetrusProfessor and Assistant Chair, Business AdministrationMorey Hall 119
In both my roles as a Professor and Assistant Chair I am fortunate enough to be in a position where curiosity and creativity are rewarded. And to be fair, the world is changing rapidly, and if we are going to ask our students to be flexible and adapt to change, then we should be willing to do so as well. My primary research area is the application of simulations and games to teaching and training environments, and I do my best to integrate simulations and games liberally in my classes. I have created a number of games, including a card game for teachers called Teaching Bad Apples, along with two expansion packs. It has turned out to be somewhat popular and is currently being used in a number of teacher professional development settings. I also made another game, "The Many Hats of an Instructional Designer," intended for people new to the field of instructional design or learning design. Both are available at "The Game Crafter" website. More recently, I took a deep dive into Esports, and I currently serve as the advisor to the team here at SUNY Potsdam. To help kickstart this process, I gave a TEDx presentation "Esports is Real Sports" in April 2019 (available on YouTube). Along with my teaching and research responsibilities, I also serve SUNY Potsdam Athletics as the Chair of the Intercollegiate Athletic Board (IAB), an academic advisor for the Men's Soccer team, and the Faculty Athletics Representative to the NCAA. Finally, I have an ongoing consulting relationship with the National Education Foundation, where I help to introduce STEM learning into underprivileged schools across the country. In the end, I try to use my position here to help empower young people with opportunities to engage in profound and "wicked problems", with the ultimate message that it is OK to sometimes fall short in our efforts, as long as we reflect, learn, and move forward together. Degree: Publications: Martin, F., and Betrus, A. (2019) Digital Media for Learning: Theories, Processes, & Solutions. Springer. 2019 Canning, S. and Betrus, A.(2017) The Culture of Deep Learning in eSports: An Insiders Perspective. Educational Technology, March-April, 2017. Schneider, E., and Betrus, A. (2016) User delinquency and instructional conditions: Undesirable behavior in open virtual worlds. Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds, September, Volume 8, Number 3, pp. 265-278. Turcotte, N and Betrus, A. (2016) Teaching Bad Apples: A Fun Way to Tackle Difficult Teaching Situations. TechTrends, July 2016, Volume 60, Issue 4, pp 398-401. Betrus, A. (2012) Historical Evolution of Instructional Technology in Teacher Education: A Ten-Year Update. TechTrends. Sep/Oct. Vol 56, issue 5, pp 42-45. Awards More Info |
Laura A. CarboneDirector, Watertown Extension Site Advanced Studies in Education, Watertown Extension Center![]() Laura A. CarboneDirector, Watertown Extension SiteSatterlee Hall 218A
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Joann ChambersAdjunct Instructor Advanced Studies in Education |
Pamela K CharlesonAdjunct Instructor Advanced Studies in Education |
Janet M ClineAdjunct Instructor Advanced Studies in Education |
Joanna E CrossAdjunct Instructor Advanced Studies in Education |
Martha C DuchschererAdjunct Instructor Advanced Studies in Education |
William A GregoryAdjunct Instructor Advanced Studies in Education |
Lynn A. HallAssociate Professor and Dept. Chair Advanced Studies in Education![]() Lynn A. HallAssociate Professor and Dept. ChairSatterlee Hall 209
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, Curriiculum & Instruction More Info |
Janice M HellingsAdjunct instructor Advanced Studies in Education |
Travis W HooverAdjunct Instructor Advanced Studies in Education |
Jessica A HunterAdjunct Instructor Advanced Studies in Education |
Kathryn M. JerorClinical Faculty, Educational Leadership (CAS) Program Co-Coordinator Advanced Studies in Education![]() Kathryn M. JerorClinical Faculty, Educational Leadership (CAS) Program Co-CoordinatorSatterlee Hall 100C
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Jennifer A MorrillAdjunct Instructor Advanced Studies in Education |
Amara A PascuitoAdjunct Instructor Advanced Studies in Education |
Mary T RussellAdjunct Instructor Advanced Studies in Education |
Sarah L SachsAdjunct Instructor Advanced Studies in Education![]() |
Sheryl D ScalesAssociate Professor and Program Coordinator, Literacy Advanced Studies in EducationSheryl D ScalesAssociate Professor and Program Coordinator, LiteracySatterlee Hall 107
Ph.D., University of Kansas, Curriculum and Instruction More Info |
Mei ShenAdjunct Instructor Advanced Studies in Education![]() Mei ShenAdjunct InstructorSatterlee Hall 112A
Mei Shen completed her doctoral degree in Special Education at Michigan State University, with a graduate specialization in language and literacy education. Dr. Shen teaches a variety of special education courses, including literacy assessment and instruction for students with disabilities, positive behavior support, universal design for learning, instructional and assistive technology, etc. Her research focuses on literacy assessment and instruction for struggling learners, particularly those with learning disabilities and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders. She is particularly interested in evidence-based instructional practices to help improve reading and/or writing performance for these struggling students. Dr. Shen has been actively involved in research activities, which have led to publications at peer-reviewed journals and presentations at national and state level conferences. She also has been making consistent efforts to ensure that her teaching is well informed by research. Degrees: Publications:Troia, G. A., Shen, M., & Brandon, D. (2019). Multidimensional levels of language writing measures in grades four to six. Written Communication. Shen, M. & Troia, G. A. (2018). Teaching children with language learning disabilities to plan and revise compare-contrast texts. Learning Disability Quarterly, 41(1), 44-61. Shen, M. & Troia, G. A. (2018). Evidence-based practices to improve expository writing performance of students with learning disabilities: Strategy instruction vs. genre study. International Dyslexia Associations Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 44(2), 10-16. Shen, M. & Troia, G. A. (2017). Relationship between reading motivation, reading activity, oral language, and reading achievement in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. International Journal of Special Education, 32(1), 134-179. Shen, M. & Troia, G. A. (2016). Teaching struggling writers to be strategic: How to write good compare-contrast essays. IL ASCD, 62(2), 40-50. Selected Conferences: Shen, M. (2019, October). Writing nonfiction texts: The role of self-regulation strategies in effective writing instruction. Session presentation given at the 2019 Journey into Literacy (JIL) conference, State University of New York at Potsdam, Potsdam, NY. Truckenmiller, A. & Shen, M. (2019, February). Relations between expressive written language and writing performance in middle school. Poster presentation given at the 27th Annual Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC), San Diego, CA. Shen, M. (2018, July). Improving expository writing performance for students with language-learning disabilities: Strategy instruction vs. genre Study. Session presentation given at the 2018 International Literacy Association (ILA) Annual Convention, Austin, TX. Shen, M. (2018, March). Evidence-based writing practices for students with language impairment. Session presentation given at the Michigan Council for Exceptional Children (MCEC) 78th Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. Shen, M., & Troia, G. A. (2017, July). Empowering students with language impairment with effective planning and revising strategies for expository writing. Session presentation given at the 2017 International Literacy Association (ILA) Annual Convention, Orlando, FL. More Info |
Tracy L Sitko-FarneyAdjunct Instructor Advanced Studies in Education |
Carolyn S. StoneInstructor Advanced Studies in Education![]() Carolyn S. StoneInstructorSatterlee Hall 207
As a clinical faculty member of the Department of Advanced Studies in Education, I teach literacy courses in the MSEd Literacy Program, the Ch/EC Undergraduate Program, and the MST Childhood Program. Additionally, I supervise MSEd Literacy Practicum and Internship candidates in their field placements each semester. My interests and passions focus around literature based literacy instruction, motivation for lifelong reading and writing, and developing short term education travel courses to allow our students to broaden their horizons and experience education in diverse contexts. Degrees:
Session: How Do They Do It?: Lessons From an Education Travel Course in Finland and Sweden Conrad, D. & Stone, C. (2017). Preparing Today to Empower Future Leaders: Pre-service teachers experiences selecting & evaluating childrens literature for quality and use in PreK-6th grade integrated literacy/science instruction. The Language and Literacy Spectrum (NYSRA Journal). NYSRA Conference Presenter, November 2016, Session: Collaboration: Research and Practice in an Integrated Literacy Course Disciplined Inquiry Faculty Seminar Presenter, April 2016, Session: Reflections on a Ten-Year Self-Study of Research and Practice in an Integrated Literacy Course Conrad, D. & Stone, C. (2015). Connecting the Dots in Preservice Teacher Education: Focusing on Literacy Instructional Strategies to Prepare Teacher Candidates for Curriculum and Certification Challenges. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators, 81(4), 41-47. NYSRA Conference Presenter, October 2013, Poster Session: Choosing the Best Texts to Reach All Students NYSRA Conference Presenter, October 2012, Session: Ready! Set! Teach! Making Sense of the Common Core in Preservice Education NYSRA Conference Presenter, April 2011, Workshop: Pay It Forward- A Budget Conscious
Way to Support Host Schools ILA Annual Convention Presenter, May 2009, Workshop: Talking About Texts: Evaluating Childrens Literature to Engage Scientific Inquiry in the Elementary Classroom NYSRA Conference Presenter, March 2009, Workshop: Jumping In: Exploring Childrens Literature to Teach Scientific Inquiry More Info |
Cindy K WellsLecturer Advanced Studies in Education![]() Cindy K WellsLecturerSatterlee Hall 218
I am currently working as the Program Director for the Rebecca V. Sheard Literacy Center, overseeing the programs offered by the Center to support the education of our SUNY Potsdam students along with students and teachers from area schools. These programs include: Federal Work Study for the Center, America Reads, BEARS Club, The Write Spot, PSI Jr., Pirate Math, Thomas O'Shaughnessy Assistive Technology Center, From Page to Stage, the Annual Early Childhood Spring Fling and the Math and Science Center. Coursework includes literacy, education and special education courses for both undergraduate and graduate level students. Degree: Publications:
Wells, Cindy. (2013). A summer camp for young readers: SUNY Potsdam makes It happen. Reading Today 30(5),12. Presentation: Making vocabulary meaningful and memorable. International Reading Association Conference, 2015. Presentation: Fostering literacy leadership. New York State Reading Association Leadership Conference, 2017. Communications Chair, New York State Reading Association New York State Reading Scene Editor President of the North Country Reading Council More Info |
Donald W WheelerAssistant Professor Advanced Studies in Education |
Kristin L YoungsAdjunct Instructor Advanced Studies in Education |