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Strategic Planning

Innovate. Inspire. Impact. 
SUNY Potsdam’s Strategic Vision 

SUNY Potsdam is embarking on a new strategic planning process which will allow us to focus our energies and resources on what’s most important to student success on our campus: innovation, inspiration and lasting impact. We have a rich history as the oldest campus in the SUNY System, as one of the first 50 campuses in the United States, and as the birthplace of music education. We have amazing alumni who have gone on to do incredible things in their chosen fields of study. Thus, we have a history we are proud of, and we want to ensure we remain vibrant and relevant for the next two centuries. 

This planning process will include reimagining ourselves as a campus with a stable enrollment of 2,500 undergraduates and graduate students, focused on providing high-quality educational experiences across a range of areas of interest. We look forward to creating a vision together that will allow us to innovate, inspire and have an impact in our region, throughout our state and beyond. 


August – September  2023
Opening Session held with small group conversations around what we hold dear or value, what makes us unique, and what best characterizes the ideal future of our campus. An online form was offered for those unable to attend to be able to weigh in as well. The Strategic Planning Committee summarized the opening session information to provide a general overview of responses. 

View Strategic Planning Responses (available in Sharepoint for employees with a Campus Computer Account)

September – December 2023
President Smith conducted a listening tour to share what was learned at the opening session, seek feedback regarding what was missing, and learn more about each area on campus. General notes from these sessions were shared with the Strategic Planning Committee. 

View Strategic Planning Questions for Listening Tour (available in Sharepoint for employees with a Campus Computer Account)

January 2024
Strategic Planning Committee reviewed all information to create a document which outlines the 4-5 primary points or areas of emphasis which will be used as the base of the strategic plan. 

View Strategic Planning Listening Tour Data (available in Sharepoint for employees with a Campus Computer Account)

March 2024
The Faculty Senate Goals and Planning Committee reviewed the draft of the strategic plan to offer feedback on:

  1. Suggested wording for each of the main categories (student success, community engagement, applied learning, DEI)
  2. Any categories under the main headings that can be collapsed or eliminated because they may have been redundant or too detailed
  3. Any suggested wordsmithing of the bullet points under each category.

April – July 2024
President’s Council will take all of this feedback and complete the final draft of the strategic plan. The Strategic Planning Committee will provide a final review before the document is posted on this site.

As a part of this process, the President’s Council and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee will review the SUNY Potsdam Mission and Vision statements to propose any edits needed, to better align with the new strategic plan.

August – September 2024
The campus community will have the opportunity to provide feedback on any proposed edits to the SUNY Potsdam Mission and Vision statements.

September – December 2024
Deans and Vice Presidents will work with their areas to determine how each department/unit will contribute to the strategic plan, and how they will assess their participation in advancing the strategies and objectives outlined in it.