What is Service Learning?
Service-learning is a form of experiential learning, which combines course-related
community service activities with reflective and integrative curricular activities.
How can I do Service Learning?
SUNY Potsdam currently offers the following courses which are designated SL classes:
Classes typically offered in fall semesters:
ANTH 305: Applying Anthropology
EDUC 408: Practicum in Childhood Education
GEOL 125: Earth Systems
OVS 465: Field Service Abroad
SOCI 105: Introduction to Social Justice
SOCI 305: Sociology of the Family
WILD 350: Wilderness Adventure and Program Planning
WILD 360: Leadership in Adventure Education
Classes typically offered in spring semesters:
EDLS 201: Principles of Education
POLS 289: Approaching Political Puzzles
SECD 370: Teaching Math in Middle School
SOCI 385: Sociology of Troubled Youth
SOCI 340: Environment & Society
SOCI 390: Sociology of Mental Illness
SOCI 395: Criminalization of Mental Illness
WILD 345: Wilderness Leadership II