Application for Aid for Part-time Study (APTS) - Please review your eligibility here. In addition to submitting your application, submit a copy of your family's and/or your 2022 New York State Income Tax Return (not the Federal return). The application and NYS Income Tax Return can be submitted to our secure file drop. Deadlines: Fall/Full-year, October 2, 2024; Spring, February 14, 2025.
Award Checklist - List of requirements related to specific financial aid awards
Billing/Refund Authorization - Authorize the Bursar's Office to pay the charges on your student bill with your Financial Aid.
Excelsior Form - Returning Excelsior students who would like the semester they had a break in attendance or reduced course load to be reviewed for continued eligibility should submit this form with the required documentation.
HESC Waiver - Are you a high-achieving student whose state aid eligibility was removed, due to not being able to meet the full-time credit requirement in your program of study, under the following circumstances: changing majors, college credits earned in high school, program of study subject to specific sequencing or unable to register for a required course due to reasons beyond your control (course not being offered, locked out of the class due to low enrollment, etc.)? Fill out this form to request a waiver on the restrictions for your course load. Also be sure to complete the HESC graduation plan (PDF); You will need to upload this to our secure file drop upon submitting your waiver request.
Merit Scholarship Appeal - Did you lose merit scholarship due to the GPA requirement? Review this form if you have eligible circumstances to appeal.
SAP Appeal - Are you ineligible for federal (pell and/or loans) or state (TAP) aid? Review this form if you have eligible circumstances to appeal.
Student Consortium - Request for financial aid when enrolling in courses at another college. Courses must be applicable to your Potsdam degree to qualify for federal aid consideration.
Affidavit - Certification of true, exact, and complete copy of original documents
Parent Non-Tax Filing Form - Complete this form if you are not able to get official confirmation of non-filing from the IRS and you have exhausted all other options
Student Non-Tax Filing Form - Complete this form if you are not able to get official confirmation of non-filing from the IRS and you have exhausted all other options
Verification (complete only if requested by the Financial Aid office)
Asset Verification – Parent: Confirmation of parent assets: child support received, cash/savings/checking, net worth of investments, and net worth of business and/or farm
Asset Verification – Student: Confirmation of student (and spouse if applicable) assets: child support received, cash/savings/checking, net worth of investments, and net worth of business and/or farm
Parent Non-Tax Filing Form - Complete this form if you are not able to get official confirmation of non-filing from the IRS and your have exhausted all other options
Student Non-Tax Filing Form - Complete this form if you are not able to get official confirmation of non-filing from the IRS and you have exhausted all other options
Verification (complete only if requested by the Financial Aid office)
Asset Verification – Parent: Confirmation of parent assets: child support received, cash/savings/checking, net worth of investments, and net worth of business and/or farm
Asset Verification – Student: Confirmation of student (and spouse if applicable) assets: child support received, cash/savings/checking, net worth of investments, and net worth of business and/or farm