Registration & Procedure:
- After completing and returning this application your child/children's names will be placed on a waiting list according to his/her age.
- When a vacancy occurs in one of our program areas we then go to the corresponding waiting list. Due to our funding sources priority is given to SUNY faculty, staff, and students. If there is no SUNY affiliate to fill the vacancy, we will then accept families from the community. Often there are other factors that may be looked at when enrolling a child; however, our priority is to take SUNY affiliates.
- We fill our program for fall semester in May and June. We don't usually have openings in January unless someone leaves our program at the end of the fall semester. If a vacancy should occur, we would not know of the vacancy until approximately the second or third week in December (after contracts have been returned from our current enrolled families.) Summer enrollment is completed in May, along with enrollment for the upcoming fall semester. We sometimes can accommodate a child for the summer months only, although we may not be able to assist with your child care needs for the upcoming fall semester.
- Our waiting list is updated annually in November. An email is sent to every family on the waiting list to determine if they are still interested in care. If the family does not respond, the child's name is removed from the waiting list.
- Please remember to update us with any new contact information.
Please complete the Waiting List Registration Form (PDF) and upload the completed form to our secure file drop location.
A thirty dollar ($30.00) non-refundable registration/supply fee is due when the child is accepted for ENROLLMENT. (This fee is NOT due at the time you complete this application.)