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Board of Trustees

The Potsdam College Foundation Board of Trustees is comprised of members of the SUNY Potsdam community who are dedicated to the advancement of SUNY Potsdam. Trusteeship is open to select alumni, faculty, faculty emeriti and students, as well as regional and national community members. The full Board meets on campus biannually, and smaller Board committees meet regularly throughout the year.

For more information on the Foundation, contact David Davin at or (315) 267-2174.

Amy Kellogg PhotoPresident: Kellogg, Amy '99

Harter Secrest & Emery LLP
Ron Fishbeck PhotoVice President: Fishbeck, Ronald '80

CEO, Retired
Systems Made Simple
Christine Haile PhotoTreasurer: Haile, Christine '74

Retired Chief Information Officer
University of Albany
Justin SIpher PhotoSecretary: Sipher, Justin ’92

Founder and Principal
Justin Sipher Consulting LLC
David Davin PhotoExecutive Director: Davin, David

Vice President for College Advancement & Executive Director
Potsdam College Foundation Board


James Berriman Photo

Berriman, James '80

Attorney and CEO
Evidox Corporation

Lynn Boles PhotoBoles, Lynne '74
Past Foundation Board President 2012-2018

Consultant - Cincinnati Consulting Company
Retired VP of Global Advertising - P&G
Marjorie Chiafery PhotoChiafery, Marjorie ’69

Retired Superintendent
Merrimack, NH High School District
Eldon Harris Photo

Harris, Eldon '05

Associate VP & Financial Advisor
Morgan Stanley

Gigliotti, Kate '09

Senior Associate Director of Strategic Priorities and Initiatives
Harvard University

Mary Helander ’83 picture

Helander, Mary ’83

Retired: Senior Research Scientist
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center;  and CUBRC, Inc.
Current: PhD Candidate, Syracuse University
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs

Sean Leous Photo

Leous, Sean '86

Senior Vice President
Healthcare Westwicke, an ICR Company

Hayman, Mark '94

Morgan Lewis Global Law Firm

Adebisi Oje Photo

Oje, Adebisi '12

Director of Sales

Schaefer, Klayton '18

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Henrique Schembry Photo

Schembry, Henrique '12

Operations Manager
MasTec Network Solutions


President Smith Photo

Smith, Suzanne

SUNY Potsdam

Tiffany Soricelli Image

Soricelli, Tiffany ‘06

Owner, Virtuoso Asset Management
Founder/CEO Virtuoso Advising for Artists

Voce, Dan '89

Senior Vice President, Chief Growth Office
Leidos, Inc.
Robert Wagner Photo

Wagner, Robert '75

Retired President and owner 
Northeast Analytical Inc.

Erin Wagner O'Brien Photo

Wagner O'Brien, Erin '13

Senior Knowledge Analyst
Boston Consulting Group

Brooks Washburn Photo

Washburn, Brooks

Brooks Washburn Architecture

Laura Wessing Photo

Wessing, Laura '15

Quantum Algorithms Researcher
Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate

Trustee Emeritus Representatives

  • Galane, Mike ’74
    Retired, VP of Technology Services Americas Indirect Channels
    Enterprise Group, Hewlett-Packard Company
  • Hind, Gary '77
    Retired Executive Vice President of The Ayco Company, L.P.
  • Linden, Roger '74

Faculty Senate Representative
Gardner, Greg 

Foundation Business Manager
Helenbrook, Julie

Student Government Representative
Borrelli, Eve