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Accommodate Tutorials for Students

The tutorials below have been created to assist students who are registered with the Office of Accommodative Services in using Accommodate.


It is your responsibility as a student to submit a semester request for each semester that you are using your accommodations.  Accommodations are not retroactive, so it is in your best interest to submit your request at the start of the semester. Accommodations that are requested before the semester starts will be sent out during the first day of classes. 

  1. Access the Accommodate Portal 
  2. Select “Accommodation” then “Semester Request” on the left-hand toolbar
  3. Select “Add New”

  4. Select from the drop down menu, the semester you are requesting for 


  5. Select your courses and accommodations 

    Select “Review the Renewal” to pick the specific courses where a letter will be sent for each accommodation that has been approved. 

  6. Under each “Accessibility Accommodation” are the courses you are registered for. Uncheck the box next to the course if you DO NOT want that accommodation for that course


  7.  Select “Submit” to complete your request 


  • Once your semester request is submitted, a copy of your Accommodation Letter will be sent to your faculty to review via Accommodate.
  • If you add a new class after submitting a semester request, you will need to submit a new request in order for your Accommodation Letter to be sent to your new faculty.
  1. Access the Accommodate Portal 
  2. Select “Accommodation” then “Accommodation Letters” on the left-hand toolbar 


  3. Select the letter you would like to view 
  1. Access the Accommodate Portal 
  2. Select “Accommodation” then “Accommodation Letters” on the left-hand toolbar 
  3. If you see ‘REQUESTED’ next to your Accommodation Letter, you will need to review and sign.

  4. Select the letter you would like to review. 
  5. Review your letter and approved accommodations carefully. Notify the Office of Accommodative Services if specific questions arise. 
  6.  Sign your letter by typing your Frist and Last Name and pressing ‘Save’.

  7. For future reference, you can find your signed Accommodation Letter in your Accommodate Portal. To send an accommodation letter to your professors, please follow directions for ‘Submitting Your Semester Request’.

Requests for additional accommodations are for students already registered for services through the Office of Accommodative Services. This is for students who need to request additional accommodations, other than what are listed on their accommodation letter. 

  1. Access the Accommodate Portal 
  2. Select “Accommodation” then “Additional Accommodate Request” on the left-hand toolbar 


  3. Select “Add New”
  4. Select from the drop down menu, the disability associated with your additional request. If you select “Other”, enter the diagnosis in the box below the drop down menu. 


  5. Enter the accommodations you are requesting that are NEW
  6. Select “Add Item” to submit the documentation connect to the new request


  7. Select “Submit” to complete your request 

Please Note: Most supplemental requests will need documentation uploaded with the request in order to process.

  1. Access the Accommodate Portal
  2. Select 'Appointment' on the left-hand toolbar


  3. Select 'Request New Appointment' by scrolling down


  4. Select what 'Type' of appointment you are scheduling


  5. Select the 'Date Range', Time, and Location you would like to look for an appointment within, use the calendar to select your month and day


  6. Select  your Staff Member' for your appointment. If making an intake appointment the person will be listed in your appointment email. 

    If you would like to discuss accommodations, please select the staff member who is listed on your accommodation letter. 

    If you have assistive technology needs, please select Jacob Hammond. 


  7. Select 'Check Availability' to see all the available appointments based on your selections, use the box on the right to select and appointment.


  8. Write in any comments you might have, then hit “submit request”


  9. If you have made the appointment correctly, you will see your appointment in the 'Requested Appointments' section of 'Appointments'

  1. Access the Accommodate Portal
  2. Select 'Appointment' on the left-hand toolbar
  3. Find appointment on the right hand side- select the 3 dots- select your cancel or reschedule.

    Please note appointments can only be cancelled or reschedule up to 24 hours in advance. After that time frame it is considered a missed appointment and you will have to create a new appointment.