Self Service
- View your paycheck the Monday before payday
- Update address and phone number
- Time and Attendance access
- NYS Payroll Online
Employees are now able to make changes to their direct deposit, view pay stubs, update tax withholdings, print W2s, update address and go paperless. To use NYSPO employees must be logged into the SUNY HR portal and must complete the initial NYS Payroll Online Multifactor Authentication. Click here to access the instructions for this process.
Please keep in mind, based on the OSC schedule and the timing of transactions entered by employees, the changes may not be reflected in the employee’s next paycheck but the following check.
Below are helpful instructions for the various self-service options available to employees through NYSPO:
- New enrollment direct deposit
- Adding, editing and deleting an existing direct deposit (Note: NYSPO Direct Deposit page is Currently Unavailable)
- View, Print and Save Your Pay Stub
- Update Your Tax Withholdings
- View, Print and Save Your W-2
- Update Home, Check or Mailing Address
- Go-paperless
Salary Schedules
Hourly Schedules
- Hourly Schedule of Due Dates/Paycheck Dates (available for employees with a Campus Computer Account)
Direct Deposit
There are two options to sign up for direct deposit.
- The first option is using New York State Payroll Online (NYSPO) Self-Service to add and update direct deposit information. See Self-Service section above.
- The second option is to complete the direct deposit form.
- Employee must complete and sign the direct deposit form
- All joint account holders must sign form
- Documentation from the bank showing the entire routing number and account number is required. This document could be a voided check, screenshot of online banking information, bank statement, letter from the bank representative. The completed form can be brought to the Human Resource Office, Raymond Hall 219 for processing.