Live, study and create in a total art environment. Our graduates have gone on to careers in fine arts, arts management, art therapy, digital design, K-12 and university teaching, illustration, museum curation, audiovisual production, publishing, gallery ownership, interior design, architecture, commercial printing, pattern making, photojournalism and studio ceramics. What inspires you?
- Take a photography or graphic design class through the Department of Art
- Check out the latest exhibition at The Art Museum at SUNY Potsdam
- Submit a piece for the juried Art Attack student art show
- Visit the Festival of Lights to see illuminated sculptures fill the Quad each spring
- Try out a screenprinting or papermaking workshop during the Loko Arts Festival
Hallie Corrow '23 discusses her path at SUNY Potsdam in the Department of Art and her plans for the future.
Inquire today:
“ I really enjoyed my time at Potsdam. I met some of my closest friends here. I love the variety of classes. you can take ice climbing, you can take ballet, you can take sculpture—there's so much here. There's a planetarium underneath one of the buildings, we have a boa constrictor in the biology department, and many live performances. There's a lot going on, so it's pretty cool.”

With her sketchbook, pencils and markers tucked under her pillow, Marie Amell ’21 waited for silence to fall on her childhood home, and for her parents to fall asleep, before clicking on her flashlight and beginning her art projects within the cave created by her sheets. When she enrolled at SUNY Potsdam, her studio expanded to include the photography darkroom, painting studios, and graphic design computer labs as she pursued her degree in studio art.
Undergraduate Majors
- Visual Arts, B.F.A.
- Art Studio, B.A. *
- Graphic Design and New Media, B.A. & B.F.A. *
- Art Education, B.F.A.
* Minor also available