- Please visit the Registration webpage for step by step instructions to prepare for your advising meeting.
Faculty & Students
- Visit BearDeN in Bear PAWS to view degree audits for individual advisees/students.
- Students who have applied to graduate at the end of the current semester will not be given a registration time to WEB register. Any seniors who applied to graduate but have now changed their minds, must contact the Registrar's Office to change their date.
- Students can see their registration time on BearPAWS under "Registration Status". Students may register on the web anytime after their beginning registration time, and may continue to add courses until midnight before the add/drop week begins.
- Course Summaries are available on BearPAWS for advisers, students, department secretaries and chairs. Please see instructions under "Other Advisee Page Options" below.
- Encourage advisees to check out our web registration page for step by step information regarding advising and registration.
- Encourage advisees to bring their own laptop, if they own one, to the advising meeting so they can easily search available classes online if needed.
Instructions For Removing A Student's Advising Hold:
- At click on "Log in to BearPAWS."
- Under "Main Menu" click on "Faculty and Advisors."
- Click on "Advisee Page."
- Under "Select Term" choose and submit the current term.
- On the Advisee Page, under the Advising Hold column, a "Remove" button appears next to the name of each advisee for whom you are a Major adviser. After advising a student, click on their "Remove" button and the hold will disappear.
- If you remove the hold by mistake, contact the Registrar's Office to have it manually reinstated.
Other Advisee Page Options:
- Click on a student's name to see their general information.
- Click on the student's degree type (BA, BM, MST, etc.) to view and/or print their Course Summary.
- Click on the student's e-mail address to send them an email.
- A red "Y" in the "EA" column indicates advisees who have one or more Early Alert grades for this semester. Click on the "Y" for details. An "N" appears in this column for students with no Early Alerts.
- Click on "Email all Advisees" to send an e-mail to all of your advisees!