All students are required to pay the Technology Fee and no exemptions are granted.
The Tech Fee is a critical component in supporting the Colleges various technology services utilized by all students. Services include email, on-line web course registration and access to grades, projection classrooms and hands-on computer labs, curricular software, printing, various Internet web resources, our learning management system, and the very internet access onto and off campus as well. The Tech Fee also helps support access to the growing number of on-line resources available from the college library as well as off-site hosted services.
Based upon the broad use of technology services and the number of supported resources, it would be impossible to implement this fee based strictly upon technology use. Depending upon course and technology needs a student may use our services substantially more one semester and less the next. It is our belief that over the course of a students academic career the difference between the levels of usage balances itself.
The fee is determined by the cost of providing and supporting campus technology resources for our students and is used to offset expenses.