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S/P/U a Course

Online “S/P/U a Course” Request

Be sure to review the Important Information below prior to submitting a request.

S/P/U and Course Withdrawal Deadlines

  • S/P/U and Course Withdrawal deadlines can be found on the Academic Calendar

    Note: For courses that are scheduled for only part of a term, the deadline for adding, dropping, withdrawing or choosing the S/P/U grading option is prorated; contact the Office of the Registrar for additional information.

  • Graduate students must contact the Office of Graduate Studies.

Generally, majors and minors require numeric grades in order to satisfy the degree requirement. So, although an S/P/U grade may save a GPA, the course may not end up satisfying a degree requirement within a major or minor should an S/P grade be awarded. Consult with your academic advisor(s) before selecting the S/P/U grading option to understand any impact towards degree completion.

S/P/U a Course Form

Important Information

If you are considering electing the S/P/U grading option, you must do the following:

  1. If the course is required within your major or minor: consult with the appropriate advisor and/or department chair to confirm that the S/P/U option is allowed, and that this will not negatively impact your time to degree completion.  
    1. Please note: most majors and minors have limits on the number of credits (if any) that can be taken for S/P/U.
    2. See the College Catalog for general information about the S/P/U Grading option, as well as the requirements under your specific major(s)/minor(s).  

Your request will be reviewed, and you will be notified with one of two messages in response to your submitted request:

  1. Your request has been approved and processed.
  2. Your request has not been approved and cannot be processed. The response will include additional details outlining why the request was not approved or processed.

Note: To be named to the President’s List or Dean’s List students must have completed at least 12 numerically graded undergraduate credit hours for the semester.  Learn More

S/P/U on the Transcript

  • "S" is recorded for a grade of 2.0 or higher.
  • "P" is recorded for a grade of 1.0, 1.3 or 1.7.
  • "U" is recorded for a grade of 0.0.

"S" "P"  and "U" are recorded on the transcript, but they are not calculated in the cumulative grade point average. "S" and "P" confers credit for a course; "U" does not.

Choosing S/P/U as an Option

Students may consider this option for a maximum of 14 semester hours during an entire college career but cannot choose it when repeating a class. Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 courses taken S/P/U do not count against an undergraduate student's S/P/U limit of 14 hours total.

Courses Offered only as S/U

In certain courses, the College itself may award an S* or U* (e.g., P.E. experiences, student teaching, music studio courses). Students graded in this manner will not have such credits considered as part of the 14-semester-hour maximum.

Visit our Grading Policies webpage for more details about the College grading systems.