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Withdraw from a Course

Graduate students should contact their advisor or the Office of Graduate & Continuing Education if they need to withdraw from a course. All students should consult with the Financial Aid Office to ensure that any withdrawal(s) will not negatively impact their financial aid eligibility. 

Course Withdrawals and S/P/U Deadlines

  • Course Withdrawals and S/P/U deadlines can be found on the Academic Calendar

    Note: For courses that are scheduled for only part of a term, the deadline for adding, dropping, withdrawing or choosing the S/P/U grading option is prorated; contact the Office of the Registrar for additional information.
  • Graduate students must contact the Office of Graduate Studies.

Online “Course Withdrawal” Request

Be sure to review the Important Information below prior to submitting a request.

Note: A separate form submission is required for each course from which you wish to withdraw. Classes with multiple sections (e.g., lecture and lab) require multiple requests.

Course Withdrawal Form

Late Withdrawal from a Course

Withdrawing from a course after the deadline posted above is only possible if special circumstances prevented you from meeting the deadline. If this is the case, please complete the Late Course Withdrawal form.

Emergency/Medical Withdrawal from a Course

Students with a documented medical or other emergency may apply for an Emergency/Medical Course Withdrawal. Applications should be submitted by the last day of classes in the semester in which the student is requesting one or more emergency withdrawal grades. An emergency withdrawal will be noted on the permanent record as "W*" and will not be considered as part of the 14-hour maximum. Withdrawal due to a call to active military duty will be noted on the permanent record as "M*" and will not count toward the 14-hour limit.

Important Information

Students may elect to withdraw from courses for any reason for a maximum of 14 semester hours during their SUNY Potsdam College career. "W" grades confer no credit and do not affect the grade point average.

If you are considering a course withdrawal, you must do the following:

  1. If the course is required within your major or minor: consult with the appropriate advisor and/or department chair to confirm that this will not negatively impact your time to degree completion.
  2. See the College Catalog for general information about course withdrawal.  
  3. Withdrawing from a course may affect your financial aid. The Financial Aid Office should be consulted before withdrawal requests are submitted.

Your request will be reviewed, and you will be notified with one of two messages in response to your submitted request:

  1. Your request has been approved and processed.
  2. Your request has not been approved and cannot be processed. The response will include additional details outlining why the request was not approved or processed.


Course Withdrawals and S/P/U deadlines can be found on the Academic Calendar

Record of Withdrawal

In such cases, a "W" is noted on the permanent record. For full-time students, dropping below 12 semester hours due to withdrawals may have an effect on financial aid eligibility.